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Ch 8 China.

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1 Ch 8 China

2 Bell Work How did Neo-Confucianism differ from Confucianism

3 I can identify how the Buddhist religion developed in China.

4 Buddhism in China Traders / missionaries brought Buddhism from India
In the AD 100’s. Civil War in China. Many die from fighting and hunger. Buddhism taught people to escape their suffering. Many seeking peace / comfort became Buddhist.

5 Tang Rulers Early Rulers allowed Buddhism
Chinese Buddhists joined monasteries. Many opposed Buddhism. Too wealthy. Weakened the Respect for family. Tang officials saw Buddhism as a threat to Confucianism. Destroyed monasteries and temples. Buddhism in China never fully recovered from these attacks.


7 Buddhism in Korea In the A.D. 300s, Chinese Buddhists brought their religion to Korea Korea was divided into 3 Kingdoms. AD 660 united to form 1 country. Favored Buddhism. Buddhism spread from Korea to Japan.

8 Confucian Ideas Confucius believed good gov’t depended on leaders.
Used civil service exams. Provide best officials. Confucianism declined after the Han Dynasty.

9 Neo-Confucianism Tang and Song backed neo-Confucianism.
Followers were expected to be active and help others. Neo-Confucianism added Buddhist and Daoist beliefs, Became like a religion.

10 Civil Service Tang and Song rulers thought an educated gov’t was
stronger, less corrupt. Men took exams, tested knowledge of Confucian. Tests favored wealthy that paid tutors. Test was difficult. Only 1 in 5 passed. Created a class of Scholar-Officials.

11 Exit - How did the Civil Service exams affect Chinese society?

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