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A timeline of events… By 400 CE the once great Roman Empire was beginning to fade. By now (271 CE) the Empire was divided into Eastern and Western halves.

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Presentation on theme: "A timeline of events… By 400 CE the once great Roman Empire was beginning to fade. By now (271 CE) the Empire was divided into Eastern and Western halves."— Presentation transcript:

1 A timeline of events… By 400 CE the once great Roman Empire was beginning to fade. By now (271 CE) the Empire was divided into Eastern and Western halves Done to save costs, manage more efficiently, it was just too big!

2 Effects of the split… The Western Empire saw the most dramatic decline of knowledge, culture and government. The Western Empire was quickly overrun by barbarians, and these barbarians eventually invaded and sacked Rome in 410 C.E. In 476 C.E., the last of the Western Roman Emperors was overthrown, officially bringing an end to the great Roman Empire.

3 What once was, was no more
Much of what Romans had accomplished eventually disintegrated Roads fell into disrepair Cities were deserted Travelers feared for their lives What replaced the Roman Empire in Europe was a “hodge-podge” of kingdoms and tribal organizations that had more of a resemblance to modern day gangs than any real type of formal government. This was the beginning of what is now referred to as the “Dark Ages”.

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