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Pride and Joy Power Trio Blues and Rock

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1 Pride and Joy Power Trio Blues and Rock
Start by learning the chords. Do these in 1st position.


3 Introduction is above. You slide on the first note from the 3rd fret to the
5th fret of the 2nd string. By playing the 2 E notes together it really fills up the overall sound.

4 Get this first as it is the feel. It is in a shuffle
Get this first as it is the feel. It is in a shuffle. It does not have to be exact. The feel is the important part not the exact notes. For the 3rd fret of the 6th String you bend the note up to the pitch of the 4th fret 6th string.

5 For the A chord. Note in the last measure the triplets.

6 This part will take some work
This part will take some work. The B7 is all triplets and for the 1st half of the A is triplets then a flurry of 1/16th notes. You should hammer and pull on these notes. Then back to a triplet. To do this properly you must listen to the recording!! I can’t stress that enough. The E7 is just a turnaround.

7 The tacit figure.

8 I have included the solo section
While the solo section is difficult it is not impossible to learn. Note that for me it would be better to take some of the ideas you like and use them. That would be better than just doing the solo note for note. When performing, if you are doing it note for note and you make a mistake you can get yourself into trouble and not find your way back. Be sure you can solo without the crutch of doing SRV’s solo note for note.




12 Now Put it all together. Divide up the parts. With a power trio you will have bass and guitar. But it can work to have a lead in there also. Towards the later part of SRV’s playing he added in a keyboard player. That was to fill the sound. A rhythm guitar could accomplish the same thing.

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