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Nervous System Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Nervous System Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nervous System Review

2 Open up to the Doodle Buddy app on your iPad (You will use it to complete work on the yellow slides.)


4 The 3 Main Parts of the Brain

5 What activity does the brain stem control in your body?
Breathing in oxygen Raising your hand in class Balancing on a balance beam

6 What activity does the cerebellum control in your body?
Balancing on a skateboard Remembering things Making your heart beat

7 What activity does the cerebrum control in your body?
How fast you breath Storing memories Kicking a soccer ball

8 Reflexes Reflexes are designed to protect you. BUT HOW? How does the DTR reflex keep you safe? Think about that as you watch…

9 Which one of these is a reflex?
Raising your hand in class Kicking a football Moving your hand away from a candle

10 (longer video only if time)
Fight or Flight (longer video only if time)

11 What is a sign of the fight or flight response?
a. Heart beats faster b. Shutting your eyes c. Digestion increases

12 Why is the fight or flight response important?
a. To give us an excuse to punch someone b. To keep us safe from danger c. To help us balance on a tight rope

13 Nerve Cells or Neurons A neuron carries messages from one part of the body to another Those messages or signals tell your body what to do

14 These nerve impulses are actually small electric currents that travel through your nerves.

15 What the relationship?

16 School House Rocks Telegraph Video
(stop at 1:28)

17 How do signals travel through your body?
a. Intestines b. Nerves or Neurons c. Brain

18 What are the three MAIN parts of a neuron?
Turn and talk with someone next to you!

19 Draw and label the following:
Cell Body (soma) Axon Dendrites


21 Why did the neurotransmitter cross the road (synapse)?
To get to the other dendrite!

22 But… if neurons never touch, how does the action potential (or nerve impulse) get between the small space between the end of one nerve cell and the beginning of the next nerve cell?

23 How Neurotransmission Works
Now, let’s put it on our own words! Turn and talk with a partner.

24 Source:

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