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Presentation on theme: "M2."— Presentation transcript:

1 M2

2 The task Analyse the marketing opportunities and challenges faced by a selected business when using internet marketing

3 What you need to do Use the same business that you’ve already looked at for this unit (probably Tesco) Pick three opportunities that the business you have chosen has been able to benefit from that internet marketing provides e.g. Reaching wider/more distant markets 24/7 access Dynamic prices (promotions) Personalised services / web pages There are others – check your P4!!!!

4 What you need to do… 3. Pick three challenges (from your P6!!!) and
Payment security Meeting customer expectations (e.g. sticking to delivery times!) Keeping pace with technology Overload of market feedback ETC – use your P6!!!!

5 What you need to do… 4. You then need to explain how this has affected the business (both positively and negatively) 5. For EACH of the opportunities/challenges you look at you need to draw a mini conclusion to say whether or not the business has actually benefitted/suffered from this

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