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Hydraulics and Pneumatics

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Presentation on theme: "Hydraulics and Pneumatics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hydraulics and Pneumatics
Powerpoint Jeopardy Hydraulics and Pneumatics Definitions Problems Human Systems Natural World 10 20 30 40 50

2 Fluids move from an area of _________ pressure to _________ Pressure.

3 Who is the scientist who studied fluid systems?

4 Car brakes are an example of
what kind of system?

5 This can allow water to be
turned on or off

6 This can be used to lift a car
at a mechanic’s shop.

7 The tendency of objects to rise
is called?

8 Means non-moving

9 Allows fluid to flow in only one direction

10 101.3 kPa is equal to

11 An enclosed gas system that
transmits a force.

12 If something has a greater
gravitational force than buoyant force it will…?

13 If a barrel full of fluid has a
hole at the top and one at the bottom, which one will flow faster?

14 Pressure increases with…?

15 If you are 10m under water, how much pressure do you feel?

16 If a pressure is applied to a
fluid, it is distributed _______.

17 When changing altitude, your
ears may do this

18 Water maintains this

19 This is a disease of the respiratory
system that causes the breathing tubes to narrow.

20 Blood vessels can be compared
to the ______ of a hydraulic system

21 Blood pressure is measured with this

22 This is found in air/liquid, in the
mantle of the Earth, and in oceans

23 What failed the people of New
Orleans during Hurricane Katrina?

24 Understanding fluid systems allow
us to forecast the _________

25 Why does CPR help keep people
alive if they have a heart attack?

26 The term used for babies who are
born with too much fluid around their brains.

27 Final Jeopardy! Category: Forces and Pressure

28 What force causes atmospheric pressure?

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