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Why and when do we use them?

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Presentation on theme: "Why and when do we use them?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why and when do we use them?
Comma Rules Why and when do we use them?

2 Where do the commas go? We ate nachos chicken wings and chili at the Super Bowl party. We ate nachos, chicken wings, and chili at the Super Bowl party.

3 between 3 or more items in a series.
Use commas… Rule #1: between 3 or more items in a series. Ex: I enjoy baseball, football, and lacrosse.

4 Where do the commas go? I watched the Super Bowl game last night but I fell asleep after the half time show. I watched the Super Bowl game last night, but I fell asleep after the half time show.

5 Ex: I like baseball, so I tried out for the team.
Rule #2: between complete thoughts that are separated with a conjunction (FANBOYS word). Ex: I like baseball, so I tried out for the team.

6 F = for A = and N = nor B = but O = or Y = yet S = so

7 Where does the comma go? Since I was not a fan of either team I wore red and blue in support of both teams! Since I was not a fan of either team, I wore red and blue in support of both teams!

8 After introductory material
Rule #3: After introductory material Ex: While I was in the shower, the doorbell rang. Ex: Heartbroken, I laid down to cry.

9 Where does the comma go? My boyfriend who is a big sports fanatic would not talk to me during the game. My boyfriend, who is a big sports fanatic, would not talk to me during the game.

10 around words that interrupt the flow of a sentence.
Rule #4: around words that interrupt the flow of a sentence. Ex: Liz, who is my boss, gave me a raise. Ex: The waiter, however, was very rude.

11 Challenge: Why does only the second sentence contain a comma?
Ex: The man who came to the party with Joy says he was kidnapped by aliens. Ex: Harvey, who came to the party with Joy, says he was kidnapped by aliens.

12 If the word group is needed for the full meaning of the sentence, it is not an interrupter. Therefore, do not set it off with commas. In the first sentence, we need to know which man is being referred to. This info is not interrupting.

13 Where does the comma go? The Super Bowl party was at P. Sherman’s house on 42 Wallabay Way Sydney Australia. The Super Bowl party was at P. Sherman’s house on 42 Wallabay Way, Sydney, Australia.

14 within dates, addresses, and letters.
Rule #5: within dates, addresses, and letters. Ex: Please call me on Monday, July 15th. Ex: I live at 22 Smith Street, Raleigh, N.C

15 Where does the comma go? Students did you go to a Super Bowl party? Students, did you go to a Super Bowl party?

16 for words of direct address and short expression
Rule #6: for words of direct address and short expression Ex: You, Mr. Gimble, are no gentleman! Ex: Yes, you may use the restroom. Ex: Well, I suppose it’s okay.


18 Reflection Writing: When I grow up...
On a piece of paper, take the next 8-10 minutes to journal on the topic of DREAMS. What are your dreams for the future? What do you aspire to be? Why is this dream important?  What obstacles could come in the way of your dream? What makes you think you are likely to succeed?

19 The American Dream What is your definition of the American Dream?
On the post-it, write your personal definition of what you think the American Dream is.  After you have written it down on your post it, come stick it on the board. 

20 "Harlem" Langston Hughes
What kind of figurative language is being used in this poem? Give examples.  What is the tone of this poem? What does it sound like to you? What is the mood of this poem?  How does the speaker feel about dreams?

21 Independent Practice- Poetry Analysis Silent activity
"I Hear America Singing"/ "I, too, Hear America" Honors Students: Read poem, and feel free to write and highlight on the poem.  "Let America Be America Again"  Academic Students: Read poem, and feel free to write and highlight on it. Answer the guiding questions on the handout with the poem. 

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