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Safety Procedures Key:

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1 Safety Procedures Key:
Tornado Drill Earthquake Drill Evacuation of Campus Drill Fire Drill Lockdown Drill All Drills Practiced with Classroom Teachers

2 Annotated Safety Drills Calendar:
Fire Drills: School Day: 9:00-3:50 August First week of school. Teachers practice all drills from different locations during this week. August 30th-Thursday: 10:00- First drill of the year. No lunch or specials at this time. September 18th- Tuesday: 9:15-Beginning of school day. Students often still entering well after 9:05 bell. Staff need to know how to address incoming students while everyone else is evacuation and how to keep students from entering. October 10th –Wednesday: 10:15-During 3rd grade specials. November 26th –Monday: 11:00- Return from Fall Break. Refresher. Second Lunch shift. December 14th – Friday: 12:00-Several recesses. Third lunch shift. January 10th- Thursday: 1:00- Return from Winter Break. Refresher. Last lunch shift. February 27th – Wednesday: 2:00- Right after Nap Time in Pre-K. March 29th- Friday: 3:00- In the middle of several recesses. Close to the end of the day. April 29th – Monday: 10:45-First Lunch shift will have just set down May 3rd – Friday: 3:15- MAP State Testing All Day. No one will be testing at this time. Right at the end of the day. How to deal with parents. Tornado Drills: August First week of school. Teachers practice all drills from different locations during this week. September 4th - Tuesday: 9:45-Beginning of school day. First time practicing as a whole school. October 4th –Thursday: 3:45-Very end of the day. Familiarity with procedures regarding parent pick-up during severe weather. March 6th- Wednesday: 3:00- In the middle of several recesses. How to address severe weather from outside, especially without warning signs. April 10th – Wednesday: 1:00- Last lunch shift, several classes in specials, tornado procedures for specials teachers. Earthquake Drill (1 required): August First week of school. Teachers practice all drills from different locations during this week. October 29th- 12:00-Middle of the day. Students in nearly every room and outside. Since it is a one time scenario, I want to make sure as many locations are covered as I can. Evacuation Drill: August First week of school. Teachers practice all drills from different locations during this week. October 5th- 9:30: No students are at lunch or in specials. No students are at recess. All students are with their homeroom teacher. Campus evacuation and church meeting location. Lockdown Drill: August First week of school. Teachers practice all drills from different locations during this week. September 10th-2:00- Angry parent enters office wanting to pick up student who is not in his custody. When told he cannot have his child for these reasons, father pulls out his gun. November 16th- 9:10-Angry student attempting to attack another student. Student is in hallway, armed with scissors. Attempting to hit anything or anyone he can. February 5th- 12:00- Relative of student attempting to eat lunch with student. Office has been informed that the woman is not allowed to be around the child. Relative attempting to get through the office doors and into the school. April 1st-10:50- Young student brings a loaded weapon to school for show-and-tell. Upon the teacher’s shock, student flees from the room with the weapon. Teacher calls the office and school is put on lockdown.

3 Schools Vision and Mission:
Teacher Trainings:. August 6th-9th:At least one course offered during professional development days that is dedicated to intruder drills. August 31st- Full day of professional development split between district and “in-house.” Our professional development will be Trauma Sensitive training. All teachers have a due date of October 1st to complete online training. These trainings cover intruders, safety in the work environment, blood born pathogens, sexual harassment, and also trauma. Debriefing: After each frill it is important to discuss the event. I encourage teachers to talk about each scenario with their kids both before and after the drills. As a principal, I will also make a short but honest announcement of how the drills went. I will also make note of anything that needs to be sent out in to staff or discussed in weekly staff meetings. Rationale: Collaboration: I created the schedule and then showed it to my mentor who then changed a few things. This is the corrected version. Schools Vision and Mission: The very first part of our school mission says to “…provide a safe and inclusive environment…” Therefore, this assignment and the conversation with my mentor principal absolutely aligns with the schools mission. Communication: All mass communication with families must go through the district office. The procedure then is for the principal of the building to call on the “emergency phone,” which is literally a landline that is bright red and hangs in every office. This connects the school to central office. Central office will then send out a mass phone call, text message, and to all families. This happens regarding ALL emergency situations. In the event of an evacuation, every student has a file that states where they should go if this happens. The office then pulls up the online file and prints it off for every teacher. The teacher then helps get the student to the correct bus, car rider line, etc. Again, the district office communicates this with families. Busses pick up students from two blocks away at a nearby church which is our agreed upon safe location.

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