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Genes & Mutations Miss Richardson SBI4U.

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Presentation on theme: "Genes & Mutations Miss Richardson SBI4U."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genes & Mutations Miss Richardson SBI4U

2 Mutations occur when there is a change in the DNA gene sequence
Mutations may be positive, negative or neutral Substances that cause mutations are mutagens Radiation Chemicals Viruses Mutations can also occur spontaneously Mutations

3 Single-Gene Mutations
Point mutation: error at a single point (base pair) in the DNA Deletion Insertion Substitution/translation (can have no effect due to redundancy of genetic code) These cause a frameshift mutation Single-Gene Mutations

4 Single-Gene Mutations
Silent mutations do not affect the function of the protein or the cell’s metabolism Missense mutations alter the amino acid produced and can be harmful Single-Gene Mutations

5 Chromosomal Mutations
Changes in chromosomal structure: Deletion: part of chromosome is missing Duplication: part of chromosome is duplicated more than once Inversion: portion of chromosome is inverted Insertion: part of a chromosome is inserted into another chromosome Translocation: part of chromosome is translocated to end of another chromosome Chromosomal Mutations

6 1949 – Barbara McClintock first described transposons or ‘jumping genes’
Move from place to place and swap genetic material Excised by enzyme transposase but removal may disrupt protein synthesis Transposition

7 Occurs during meiosis – daughter chromosomes separate incorrectly
Results in an excess or deficiency of chromosomes in the cell Eg: Down syndrome is result of an extra chromosome #21 Nondisjunction

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