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Student Directions 4-11-17.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Directions 4-11-17."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Directions

2 Materials Needed: writing utensil, notebook (or paper)
CW – The Aral Sea Warm-Up: How has salinization and desertification effected the people living around the Aral Sea? LT – I can determine how humans have affected the environment of Central Asia. Aral Sea Video Materials Needed: writing utensil, notebook (or paper)

3 Salinization After reading page 380, write down a working definition for Salinization.

4 Farming Answer the two question after reading page 382.
1.) How did humans effect the salinization process? 2.) How did this impact the farming region?

5 Fishing After reading page 383, describe how the fishing industry has been impacted by salinization?

6 2.) Name two things that can be done to help fix the problem.
Quality of Life After reading page (section 26.5), answer the following questions… 1.) Name two ways the issues with the Aral sea have effected the health of the people living there. 2.) Name two things that can be done to help fix the problem.

7 Global Connection After reading , answer the following questions. 1.) What two factors lead to the overuse of water in an area? 2.) What area in the US can you think of that are in danger of this issue?

8 Putting it all together.
We will not be taking this information and writing a 4 paragraph paper. 1 – Describing Salinization and the impact of the Aral Sea 2 – Impact on the farming and fishing communities 3 – Impact on life 4 – Impact on global connections and ways to help the problem You should be able to use your notes and the textbook to help produce your work YOU WILL HAVE TIME TO TYPE YOUR PAPER IN CLASS FRIDAY!

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