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The 13 English Colonies Life in the Colonies.

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Presentation on theme: "The 13 English Colonies Life in the Colonies."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 13 English Colonies Life in the Colonies

2 Objectives What life was like in the New England Colonies
What life was like in the Middle Colonies What life was like in the Southern Colonies

3 New England Colonies (1 of 2)
Economy: Farming Subsistence Farming Fishing Export and Import of Fish Tree Harvesting For ships Ship Building Triangular Trade Route

4 New England Colonies (2 of 2)
Schools Set up schools Public education in Massachusetts Community The town was the center of the community Family life was important Religion formed the fabric of society


6 Middle Colonies (1 of 2) Economy Farming Urban development
Know as the bread basket colonies Cash crops Urban development Cities grow quickly Especially if it was a port city

7 Middle Colonies (2 of 2) Community Education
Different ethnic backgrounds Many religions Many different traditions German barn raisings Education No public schools Apprentice training

8 Southern Colonies Economy Community Based on farms Very Isolated
Plantations Small farms Cash crops Needed slaves/slave trades Community Very Isolated No major urban centers

9 Review What was the economy like in the
New England colonies? Middle colonies Soother colonies What were the communities like in the: New England colonies Southern colonies

10 What you have learned today
What life was like in the New England Colonies What life was like in the Middle Colonies What life was like in the Southern Colonies

11 Assignment

12 Activity Using a Graphic Organizer, compare and contrast farming attributes between the colonies.

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