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1.4 Whiteboard Review!.

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1 1.4 Whiteboard Review!

2 α β List the two symbols that scientists use to represent a(n)…
Alpha particle? Beta particle? α β

3 Thorium-230 has a half life of 8000 years
Thorium-230 has a half life of 8000 years. How long will it take a 100 g sample of Th-230 to decay to 25 g? Find how many half-lives it takes to decay to 25 g. 100  50  25 2 half-lives. 2 x 8000 = 16,000 years

4 Would Phosphorus-32 be stable?
15 protons, 17 neutrons YES!

5 Mass decreases by 4 amu, Atomic number decreases by 2
When a nucleus undergoes alpha decay, what will happen to the mass? the atomic number? When a nucleus undergoes beta decay, what happens to the mass? the atomic number? Mass decreases by 4 amu, Atomic number decreases by 2 Mass doesn’t change, Atomic number increases by 1

6 1. Identify the type of decay 2. How do you know?
Carbon-14 becomes nitrogen-14 Rn (radon) decays to become Po (polonium) Lead (Pb) becomes Bismuth (Bi) Polonium-214 becomes lead-210 β α β α

7 Write the equation for the radioactive decay of the following elements:
Uranium-234 (U, alpha decay) Bismuth-214 (Bi, beta decay) U 234 92 He 4 2 + Th 230 90 Bi 214 83 e- -1 + Po 84

8 An organism contained 200 grams of Carbon-14 when it died
An organism contained 200 grams of Carbon-14 when it died. After 17,190 years, only 25 grams remain. How long is Carbon-14’s half-life? Find how many half-lives have passed. 200  100  50  25 3 half-lives 17,190/3 = 5,730 years

9 How many neutrons would a stable isotope of Tin (Sn) have?

10 Name the 2 forces working in the nucleus of an atom.
Attractive Force: Strong Nuclear Force Repulsive Force: Electrostatic Force

11 What is the difference between fusion and fission
What is the difference between fusion and fission? Draw a picture showing the difference. Fusion: combining 2 nuclei, more energy released than fission, stars and hydrogen bomb Fission: splitting a nuclei, energy is released, nuclear powerplants and atomic bombs

12 Write the products of the following fusion reactions:
4 2 He 4 2 Be 8 4 + + Energy C 12 6 He 4 2 O 16 8 + + Energy

13 Write a radioactive decay equation that will produce/make magnesium Using alpha decay - Using beta decay Si 28 14 He 4 2 + Mg 24 12 Na 24 11 e- -1 + Mg 12

14 Ra He + Rn I e- + Xe Radium-222 (Ra, alpha decay)
Iodine-131 (beta decay) Ra 222 88 He 4 2 + Rn 218 86 I 131 53 e- -1 + Xe 54

15 Write a radioactive decay equation that will produce/make Silver-108: - Using alpha decay - Using beta decay In 112 49 He 4 2 + Ag 108 47 Pd 108 46 e- -1 + Ag 47

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