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New Hazard Communication Standards

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Presentation on theme: "New Hazard Communication Standards"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Hazard Communication Standards
Why? Chemicals imported and exported did not have unanimous meanings to all countries Toxic OSHA developed a new United Nations’ document called, “Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals”

2 GHS Labels Pictogram Activity Globally Harmonized System (GHS) labels
New diamonds to display hazard information Pictogram Activity Get out a piece of paper and slide your desk together with your neighbor Each diamond represents a hazard category Identify as many as you can NOW, match the diamond with the category

3 Words for Pictures Oxidizer Acutely toxic
Acutely toxic, irritant, skin sensitizer Burns skin, corrosive Flammable Acutely toxic Carcinogen Toxic to aquatic life Explosive Gas under pressure

4 How did you do?

5 Key Terms Corrosive – Flammable – Carcinogen – Toxic – Radioactive -

6 Where do we use these new GHS diamond labels?
On the containers of chemicals

7 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
New Name: Safety Data Sheets (SDS) Must have 16 sections! Section 1 – gives us the name of the chemical Section 2 – tells us its other common names Section 3 – tells us the hazards Section 4 – tells us first aid measures Section 5 – tells us how to put out a fire with this chemical Section 7 – tells us how to store and handle the chemical Section 8 – tells us what we need to wear when using the chemical Section 9 – gives us the physical and chemical properties

8 Safety Data Sheets (SDS) Practice
Using the SDS (Iodine) given answer the following questions: What pictogram warnings are labeled? What is the formula weight? For a first aid measure what do you do if the chemical is inhaled? What is the boiling point of the chemical? Stability and reactivity, what chemical will Iodine react violently with?

9 Safety Equipment/Use

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