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The Thayer Homestead Development Committee T Fall Town Meeting November 14, 2011.

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1 The Thayer Homestead Development Committee T Fall Town Meeting November 14, 2011

2 The Thayer Homestead Development Committee T The Thayer Homestead: Historical Significance The mills sites and other industry/properties were owned by the family. The mill, house, and Choate Park are connected. The site is favorably viewed for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places.

3 The Thayer Homestead Development Committee T What has been done with the property to date? A Historic Structures Report was prepared and presented to the BOS (May2007). Newport Collaborative Architects and Custom Copper LLC were contracted to perform the Phase 1 stabilization work on the house and barn. The yard was cleared of trash, stumps and seeded for grass. This project was completed in early 2010. An informational kiosk was placed on the property as a Eagle Scout Project by Trevor Baker.

4 The Thayer Homestead Development Committee T In summer 2010 the BOS created the THDC to evaluate best use of the property. On October 25, 2010 the THDC recommended to the BOS that: –…it is in the best interests of the town to proceed with a renovation of the Thayer property that would allow greater use of the buildings and open space by citizens of the town. This would entail conducting a preliminary design and feasibility study to arrive at a plan and cost estimate. –…the BOS support a warrant article for the release of Community Preservation Funds to retain professional design services relating to Thayer property concepts. Such services would include, but not be limited to, exploring the uses for existing and future Thayer facilities and site, and estimating the renovation costs relating thereto. –Fall Town Meeting authorized spending $30,000 to hire an architectural firm to work with the THDC. Then THDC secured $14,000 in matching funds from the MA Historical Commission.

5 The Thayer Homestead Development Committee T Participant Members Dan Hooper, ChairCitizen-at-large Mark Wilcox, Vice ChairHistorical Society Mark CerelCommunity Preservation John ForestoBOS Marcia Kramarz Affordable Housing Robert PomponioHistorical Commission

6 The Thayer Homestead Development Committee T The design and feasibility study had the following goals: 1. Preserve the propertys historic character. 2. Preserve the scenic vistas to and from Choate Park. 3. Preserve the open space aspect of the yard. 4. Design for compatibility with existing buildings and functionality for community use. 5. Design to create a self-sustainable model for continued upkeep and expenses.

7 The Thayer Homestead Development Committee T Goal 1: Preserve the propertys historic character.

8 The Thayer Homestead Development Committee T Goal 2: Preserve the scenic vistas to and from Choate Park.

9 The Thayer Homestead Development Committee T Goal 3: Preserve the open space aspects of the yard.

10 The Thayer Homestead Development Committee T Goal 4: Design for compatibility with existing buildings and functionality for community use. Community Room

11 The Thayer Homestead Development Committee T Oak St/Rte 109 Intersection Route 109

12 The Thayer Homestead Development Committee T Goal 5: Design to create a self-sustainable model for continued upkeep and expenses. The THDC met with representatives of comparable venues. Sufficient revenue can be generated to offset operating expenses if the site is used as a banquet facility to host events both indoors and outside on the lawn. A caretaker apartment is recommended for both site management and security. Preliminary cost estimate: $2.0M - $2.3M

13 The Thayer Homestead Development Committee T Virtual Tour Tour the site

14 The Thayer Homestead Development Committee T Recommendation for Fall Town Meeting Warrant To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money ($150,000) from the Community Preservation Fund Account for the purpose of retaining the services of both a schematic design firm and professional project oversight for the Thayer Development Concept prepared by Davis Square and Associates to the Town-owned Thayer property at 2B Oak Street and authorize the Board of Selectmen, in consultation with the Community Preservation Committee, to enter into contract with professionals to perform said work, or take any other action relative thereto.

15 The Thayer Homestead Development Committee T Budget Budget: Renovations/Addition to Thayer Homestead Hard Costs Site work$498,060 Renovation of farmhouse$362,254 New Addition$1,141,807 TOTAL Hard Costs$2,002,121 Soft Costs Furniture, furnishings, and equipment (FF&E)$100,000 Owners project manager$85,000 Permits and approvals$5,000 Surveyor, cost estimate, geotech, consulting engineers$25,000 Construction testing$10,000 Legal$5,000 Reimbursables$10,000 Subtotal$240,000 Soft cost contingency – 15%$36,000 TOTAL Soft Costs$276,000 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS$2,278,121

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