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5.1 Rival Plans for Reconstruction

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1 5.1 Rival Plans for Reconstruction
How did the Radical Republicans’ plans for reconstruction differ from Lincoln’s and Johnson’s?

2 Reconstruction 1863-1877 2 definitions
The rebuilding of the entire United States after the Civil War The transformation of the Southern society after the Civil War Reconstruction


4 Reconstruction Jan 1st 1863 States in the south began to give land to
After the emancipation Officially begins States in the south began to give land to Southern state gov’ts are under control by Compromise of 1877 officially ends (Reconstruction policies were implemented when a state that joined the Confederacy came under the control of federal troops) Proclamation Reconstruction Slaves U.S. army

5 Disunity Still in the Union
After Lincoln is Vice-President A southerner Continues policies of national Highly unpopular by Republicans in Republicans win in a sweeping victory in They would over-ride Eventually the Congress would impeach Called the Radical Assassinated Johnson Unity Congress 1866 Vetoes Republicans

6 Johnson’s Impeachment

7 South is broken up into military districts
Even after peace union soldiers remained in the south Why did the union separate the districts out the way they did? What was the most dangerous state?


9 5.1 Terms to know Freedmen’s Bureau Black Codes
Gov’t agency that provided food, clothing, and education _ Black Codes Southern laws to limit _ Civil Rights Act of 1866 Overturned Black Codes Federal gov’t guarantees _ Impeachment To charge an elected official of wrongdoing _ for refugees A.A. rights civil rights in office

10 Equality under the law for all citizens
Fourteenth Amendment, 1868 Equality under the law for all citizens States that refused to allow black people to vote would risk losing seats in the House of Representatives Confederate officials could not hold federal or state offices

11 Under a new President, Ulysses S
Under a new President, Ulysses S. Grant, Congress passed the Fifteenth Amendment. The Fifteenth Amendment, 1870 No citizen can be denied the right to vote because of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”

12 5.2 southern reconstruction
What were the immediate effects of Reconstruction? 5.2 southern reconstruction

13 Republican Governments
2 groups of individuals arise in the 1, Carpetbaggers Northerners that came into the 2. Scalawags Southerners that supported Both help form new Republican controlled reconstruction programs offered massive aid to built public raised South ReConstruction Gov’ts Railroads Schools taxes


15 The south fights back Ku Klux Klan is started Redeemers
in response against policies that would not let confederate veterans to vote or hold Redeemers Conservative democrats in the Regained control of state governments state by positions South state

16 Political Cartoon During Reconstruction

17 Sharecropping p 160-161 Landowner gives farmer land, tools, & _
Landowner tells farmer what crop to _ Farmer gives back a share of the crops to _ Cost of supplies to landowners are_ They pass that cost on the _ Cycle of debt (new form of slavery) Seeds Grow Landowner high farmer

18 Share Tenancy Tenant Farming
Like sharecropping but Like share tenancy but farmer chooses what crop_ Farmer buys his own_ Farmer still gives share of crop to_ Freedom of choice leads to_ More $$$ = independence Farmer pays rent w/ _ Tenant chooses his crop and where he _ Money management skills= _ to grow Supplies landowner saving $$$ Cash will cultivate at high success

19 How and why did reconstruction end?
5.3 End of reconstruction

20 U.S. Grant Disappointing president Appointed friends to high level _
They use their position to make _ Scandals rise all over American politics Panic of 1873_ Political scandals & economic turmoil leads to the end of _ The American Civil War was followed by a boom in railroad construction. 33,000 miles (53,000 km) of new track were laid across the country between 1868 and 1873.[4] Much of the craze in railroad investment was driven by government land grants and subsidies to the railroads.[5] At that time, the railroad industry was the nation's largest employer outside of agriculture, and it involved large amounts of money and risk. A large infusion of cash from speculators caused abnormal growth in the industry as well as overbuilding of docks, factories and ancillary facilities. At the same time, too much capital was involved in projects offering no immediate or early returns gov’t jobs $$$ Economic depression Republican control

21 Compromise of 1877 Disputed election of 1876 (p 168)
Rutherford B Hayes wins by _ There were disputed counts in _ Compromise of 1877 Hayes b.c.s _ Federal troops withdrawal from _ Federal $$$ to south for _ Officially ends reconstruction President 1 electoral vote 3 states have the south RRs and ports

22 The end of Reconstruction
the period of Republican control ends at_ Frustration with Republicans_ A deep national economic depression begins in_ Many gov’t railroads schemes in the south_ Jim Crows laws are_ Democratic Party dominates the south until_ Different Times Begins 1873 Collapse Enacted 1960 Panic of 1873 Banks failed Gov’t subsidies and land grants drove RR investment loans to railroad industry at abnormal growth Overbuilt docks, factories, and facilities Too much capital involved for little returns

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