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Bell Ringer: Tuesday, May 8th

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2 Bell Ringer: Tuesday, May 8th
"You hear a song on the radio and it brings up memories of senior prom or graduation. That's why oldies stations are so popular -- not because the music is good but because it reminds us of specific times in our lives.“ What song reminds you of a specific time in your life? Write the title of the song, and write about the memories it brings back.

3 What we’re reading for…
Author’s purpose… What’s the point? Rhetorical devices Motifs- Does the writer offer any motifs (recurring themes/ideas) in the work? Where? Why?

4 Response to motif… Write a paragraph in response…
Does the writer offer any motifs (recurring themes/ideas) in the work? Where? Most importantly, why? What does this use of motif do for us as readers? What is the author trying to get at with his use of motif? EMBED (i.e. don’t quote bomb) at least one quotation). A paragraph should be at least 8 sentences (not including your quote).

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