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CHAMPS: Independent Work

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1 CHAMPS: Independent Work
Conversation H Help A Activity M Movement P Participation No talking Raise hand Complete assignment none Read, Write, Ask Questions, No Chatting

2 CHAMPS: Mrs. Worthy is Teaching
Conversation H Help A Activity M Movement P Participation Answer and ask questions Raise you hand…I have a question. Finished work Stay seated Follow directions, look up, write, pay attention

3 CHAMPS: Working Together
Conversation H Help A Activity M Movement P Participation Talk to group about activity “Mrs.Worthy, I have a question. Complete work Stay seated Talk, write, be a team

4 Stay seated C H A M P CHAMPS: During Video Follow directions
Conversation Please No Talking During Video H Help Raise your hand if you need help A Activity Watch a Video, no sleeping, please be appropriate M Movement P Participation Stay seated Follow directions

5 CHAMPS: When entering the room
Conversation Respectful and quietly with neighbor or staff H Help Raise your hand if you need help or ask your neighbor A Activity Walk into Classroom and get notebook/textbook Sit quietly M Movement Stay seated…except when getting Supplies, textbook, and notebook. P Participation Follow directions and complete your warm-up or journal

6 CHAMPS: Warm-up or Journal
Conversation Respectful and quietly with neighbor or staff H Help Raise your hand if you need help or ask your neighbor A Activity Answer Warm-up, write question and answer M Movement Stay seated…except when getting Supplies, textbook, and notebook. P Participation Follow directions and complete your warm-up or journal

7 CHAMPS: When Leaving Classroom
Conversation Respectful and quietly with neighbor or staff H Help Raise your hand if you need help or ask your neighbor A Activity Sit at your assigned seats/please stay in assigned seats M Movement Stay seated!!! Until your bus is called and I dismiss you P Participation Follow teachers directions

8 CHAMPS: Class activities/work
Conversation H Help A Activity M Movement Stay seated in your assigned seat P Participation Respectful, low volume, share info with students Raise your hand if you need help or ask your neighbor Complete work Talk, write, be a TEAM.

9 C H A M P CHAMPS: When entering
Conversation Respectful and quietly with neighbor or staff H Help Raise your hand if you need help or ask your neighbor A Activity Walk into Classroom and get notebook/textbook Sit quietly, Follow teacher directions M Movement Stay seated…except when getting Supplies, textbook, and notebook. P Participation Follow directions and complete your warm-up

10 CHAMPS: APEX Computer Use
Conversation No Conversation H Help Raise your hand if you need too, you may ask teacher questions A Activity Work on assigned Apex topic, you may listen to music…APEX and PANDORA ONLY M Movement Stay seated ay all times, No Movement P Participation Head up, paying attention, being respectful

11 C H A M P CHAMPS: Health Unit No Conversation when teaching is talking
Help Raise your hand if you need too, you may ask questions A Activity Demonstration of Contraception, students will watch M Movement Stay seated ay all times P Participation Listen and ask questions if you have any

12 Rules: No writing on desk…If you sit at the assigned seat I will blame you for the writing (I have taken pics of all other carving and writing) STAY Seated!!!! You will get three warnings…then I will give you Standards if you do not follow directions Sit in your correct seating chart seat…This is for many important reasons  Follow teachers directions and please do not talk when teacher is talking Three strikes your out…Just like in baseball… I’m trying to be fair but give you a chance to correct your behavior

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