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Inflexibility versus Compromise in Julius Caesar

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1 Inflexibility versus Compromise in Julius Caesar
Group 1: Shamella McGhee Toya Richardson Amanda Jones Hi, everyone I am here with my classmates Toya and Shakka. We represent group one. The theme that we have chosen to present in Julius Caesar is Inflexibility versus Compromise.

2 Inflexibility vs Compromise
The theme of inflexibility versus compromise is an implied theme within the play. It is not explicitly expressed within the play. Inflexibility vs Compromise Caesar Antony Brutus The theme is implied within the play. It is not explicitly expressed throughout the play. Shakespeare implies the theme of inflexibility versus compromise through character development. We have chosen three of the major characters to present evidence of our implied theme. We have chosen Caesar, Brutus, and Antony. Let’s click on each of the characters to see how they support the theme of inflexibility versus compromise.

3 CAESAR This characteristic leads to his death.
Caesar prides himself on his steadfastness. This characteristic leads to his death. He refuses to heed to the omen of the Soothsayer. He goes to the Capitol and is ultimately murdered by the conspirators. Caesar is a strong, powerful leader. He prides himself on steadfastness. In the play Caesar says that he is as constant as the north star. He refuses to listen to the Soothsayer’s warnings and proceeds to the Capitol. It is Caesar’s immoveable nature that ultimately leads him to his death within the play. He is not willing to compromise with the members of the Senate. Click on the Ides of March photo to return to the character list.

4 BRUTUS Brutus is stubborn and inflexible.
In the play individuals succeed through adaptability, bargaining, and compromise. Brutus’s unbending though honorable ideals leave him open for manipulation by Cassius. Brutus focuses on the quick removal of Caesar from power. He does not consider the tragic implications of being apart of the Conspiracy. He ultimately dies as the result of his stubbornness and inflexibility. Brutus is like Caesar in many ways; he is stubborn and inflexible. He is constant in his decision to stop Caesar form gaining total power. However, he does not think about the consequences of joining the Conspiracy. This leaves Brutus open to manipulation by Cassius. Cassius is able to persuade Brutus that Caesar must be killed to ensure the fait of Rome. Brutus ultimately realizes his mistake on the Plains of Phillipi; he kills himself. Click on the famous quote from the play to return to the character list.

5 ANTONY Antony is the most flexible character in the play.
He is able to gain power through manipulation. Antony manipulates Brutus and Cassius when he persuades them to let him perform Caesar’ funeral speech. Antony manipulates the crowd during Caesar’s funeral. Although Antony is a successful politician, the play raises questions about his morality. Antony proves to be the most successful and flexible character in the play. He is able to shift his loyalty throughout the play. Antony first displays his talents as he vows his loyalty to Brutus and Cassius; he promises to side with them if he is allowed to speak at Caesar’s funeral. He wishes to pay respects to the fallen leader. However, when Antony is in front of the crowd he displays disloyalty as he persuades the crowd to rise up in arms against Brutus and Cassius. Even though, Antony is the most successful person within the play, the group questioned his morals as he switched sides in the play.

6 Big Idea LOYALTY AND BETRAYAL The characters fail to exercise loyalty.
They all exhibit betrayal. Caesar and Brutus both meet tragic ends through their inability to display flexibility and compromise. We believe that the theme of inflexibility versus compromise is relevant to the Big Idea of Loyalty and Betrayal in the unit. The three characters that we have presented each displayed betrayal as they were unable to remain loyal to their friends and their beliefs. Caesar was unable to be persuaded on political decisions; he was viewed as a tyrant; his followers felt betrayed. Brutus betrayed Caesar when he joined the Conspiracy; he was not loyal to his longtime friend. Antony betrayed Brutus, Cassius, and the crowd with his empty promises; he was not loyal to either group; he used his manipulative tactics to gain power. The characters in the play made us realize that life can present us with hard decisions. The unit has helped us to be aware of both our goals and morals. We have also learned the effects of disloyalty and betrayal; the benefits are often temporary and life’s decisions must be considered carefully. Click the photo for more information.

7 Cast and Characters Play Information
Plot Summary History of the Drama We chose the site It is a non-Wiki Website as the information is fact based and cannot be edited. The Website provides information on the characters, plot summary, and the history of the play. This is the end of our presentation. Any questions?

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