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Integrating Technology in the classroom

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1 Integrating Technology in the classroom

2 Thinkcentral by Houghton Mifflin harcort reading series program

3 Substitution and augmentation
ThinkCentral can replace the teacher’s reading manuals, student books, dry marker whiteboards, workbooks etc. Even though we have this technology, we still have a hard copy of manuals, student textbooks, workbooks, because we do realize that not every child has access to a computer or internet at home. They can take their reading books home if they have homework or fluency practice. It also works out if our network is done. ThinkCentral has all the resources I need to enhance my teaching and my students’ learning. Each student has an username and password for this program. I can give assignments and assessments according to the academic levels of my students. Students take their assessments online weekly on the lesson we covered. This program also provides automatic feedback on assessments by showing what questions the students got wrong, percentages, standards that were not mastered, and provides an itemized analysis, so differentiated instruction can be provide to specific skills and students.

4 Enhancement Tools

5 Enhancement tools continued

6 Modification and redefinition
With ThinkCentral, I incorporate Google Chrome and Google Docs into my reading and writing assignments. My students can create brochures to PowerPoints by utilizing the tools and doing research. It engages learning at so many levels. They can interact with each other by sharing their writings with each other.

7 Transformation at its best
This is an example of a prior student. I asked them to create and design an informational brochure to save amphibians. It related to a story that we had read in class. So, to connect with the experience of the story, I assigned this. They (my students) were able to share with each other along with myself for immediate feedback. After they were finished with their project, they presented it to the whole class.

8 Transformation continued

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