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Entrepreneurship (MGT368)

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Presentation on theme: "Entrepreneurship (MGT368)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Entrepreneurship (MGT368)
WELCOME Entrepreneurship (MGT368)

2 MAHTAB MUNTAZERI CONTACTS Lecturer, School of Business & Economics,
North South University. Office: NAC711 Consultation Hour : TBA Website: CONTACTS

3 Course Readings Text book Author Title Edition & Year Publisher ISBN
Title Edition & Year Publisher ISBN Robert D Hisrich Entrepreneurship 10th Ms.Graw Hill ISBN-10:

4 Course Evaluation Assessment Strategy and Grading Scheme Grading tool
Grading tool Points Mid-term examination 20% Creation of Local Entrepreneurial Case 10% 2 In Class Cases Study 10% (5% each) Business Plan Business Plan Presentation 5% Quizzes Final examination 25% Attendance & Class Participation

5 Grading Policy Numerical Scores Letter Grade Grade Points 93 and above
4.0 A- 3.7 B+ 3.3 B 3.0 B- 2.7 C+ 2.3 C 2.0 C- 1.7 D+ 1.3 D 1.0 Below 60 F 0.0 I** Incomplete W** Withdrawal


7 Policies to follow… Attendance & Participation- Three missed classes will be excused. 1 mark will be deducted for each missed class after that. Quizzes- 2 out of 2. Group Project- A comprehensive business plan. Deadlines- Must be maintained strictly. Make-up Exam- Only extreme situations might be “considered”. Any make-up taken will be comprehensive. Etiquette- Please be quiet during lectures unless, of course, class participation is required. And be punctual.

8 Policies to follow…

9 What is “Entrepreneurship”?
Consists of all profit-seeking activities and enterprises that provide goods (tangible items) and services necessary to an economic system 1. Provides the means through which standards of living improve 2. An exchange between a buyer, who recognizes the need for a good or services, and a seller, who receives money for the good or service 3. Provides profits or rewards for businesspeople, who take risks in blending people, technology and information to create and market want-satisfying goods and services 4. Businesspeople also recognize social and ethical responsibilities to employees, customers, suppliers, competitors, government and the general public

10 What is an ‘Entrepreneur’
An individual who takes initiative to bundle resources in innovative ways and is willing to bear the risk and/or uncertainty to act. Being an entrepreneur today: Involves creation process. Requires devotion of time and effort. Involves rewards of being an entrepreneur. Requires assumption of necessary risks



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