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The Change Movement The Roots Of Change.

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1 The Change Movement The Roots Of Change

2 Cultural Currents American civilization had managed to survive the devastating and catastrophic effects of economic depression and world war Something happened in the 60s The Baby Boomers are now parents, and are the movers and shakers of today

3 Cultural Currents Factors underlying the present push for change:
Materialism Agnosticism Aversion to being judgmental Lack of discipline Craving for entertainment

4 Theological Currents In every period of church history there has always been one major doctrine that has preoccupied center stage In our day, the issue is the authority of the Bible Those who clamor for change are those who have rejected Bible authority. Notice the Bible’s warnings - Matt 7:15; Acts 20:29-30; 2 Pet 2:1; 1 Jn 4:1; Eph 4:14

5 Political Currents Politics reflect the same cultural influences operative in society at large The political liberal and the religious liberal share a common attitude Parallel political and religious viewpoints These parallels are too striking to be coincidental or unrelated American welfare system/free handouts – please me and my need first Objective truth is questioned and/or undermined Situation Ethics Can’t legislate morality – divorce for any cause ERA – Women’s role in the church Conservatives are intolerant, harsh, cold, and uncaring

6 Scientific Currents Theistic Evolution is false:
Another taproot that is sparking fires of change in the church is modern scientific thought The Theory of Evolution What are the implications of belief in Theistic Evolution? This is the prominent manifestation of humanistic influence in the church Theistic Evolution is false: Some “Christian” schools have been seduced by pseudo-scientific proof that the world is old They are now teaching “theistic evolution” It is to be in league with humanistic philosophy Many conclude that if Genesis 1 can be interpreted loosely, why not the rest of the Bible It is believing a lie – it is believing that which at its core is atheistic

7 God has done His part. Have you done yours?
God's Plan of Salvation GOD'S PART The great love of God for man (Jn 3:16) He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, as the Saviour (Lk 19:10) Sent the Holy Spirit as a guide (Jn 16:13) Gave the Gospel as "the power" unto salvation (Rom 1:16) Provided atonement by the blood of Christ (Rom 5:9) MAN'S PART Hear the Gospel (Rom 10:17, Jn 8:32) Believe the Gospel (Heb 11:6, Jn 20:31) Repent of past sins (Lk 13:3, Acts 17:30) Confess faith in Jesus Christ (Rom 10:10, Matt 10:32) Be Baptized (Gal 3:27, Mk 16:16, Acts 2:38) Be faithful unto death (Rev 2:10) God has done His part. Have you done yours?

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