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Weather Measurement Tools foldable

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Presentation on theme: "Weather Measurement Tools foldable"— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather Measurement Tools foldable
6.6 Matter

2 Fold, Label and Cut your foldable
Fold your paper hot dog style The pictures will be on the cover of your tabs You should have 5 pictures, label them as we go along.

3 Barometer Measures Air Pressure
Air pressure decreases as elevation increases Air pressure exerts force in all objects Measured in mb High barometric pressure= fair weather/sunny


5 Rain Gauge Measures amount of precipitation (rain)
Catches rain in funnel And measures amount in mL

6 Anemometer Have cups that spin and measure the wind speed
Used to predict storms distance Used frequently in tornado areas

7 Hygrometer Measures Humidity 100% humidity would be pouring rain
Low humidity would be dry conditions Deserts have very low humidity Tropic areas have high humidity

8 Weather Vane Measures wind direction
Typically has North/South/East/West Found on many roofs.

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