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How do I write a well-developed paragraph?

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Presentation on theme: "How do I write a well-developed paragraph?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do I write a well-developed paragraph?
WRITING PARAGRAPHS How do I write a well-developed paragraph?

A complete sentence always has: a subject (the actor in the sentence) a predicate (the verb or action) a complete thought (it can stand alone and make sense—it’s independent)

3 Elements of a Paragraph
Topic Sentence or Claim Supporting Details or Data and Warrants Concluding Sentence

4 Paragraphs are like Hamburgers
Bun: Claim and Concluding Sentence Meat: Data (extra details, examples, personal stories, quotations, statistics) Condiments/Extras (aka the good stuff): Warrants Picture Source:

5 Claim A statement of the paragraph’s main idea and your position on the issue. Should summarize the ideas you will talk about in the paragraph Must be a statement that can be supported by details and other evidence

6 Unity and Organization
Your paragraph should discuss one main idea. Your claim should introduce it, and your data and warrants should develop that idea. Your paragraph should be organized in a logical order. Chronological Importance You should use transitions to make your ideas flow.

7 Data and Warrants Data Warrants The evidence that supports your claim
Specific examples or instances Quotations Facts Personal Experience Interprets the data and shows how it supports your claim Interpret the facts Logical Answers the questions: So what?

8 Transitions Transitions improve your sentence organization and improve the connections between your thoughts. They indicate relationships between your ideas. Types of Transitions: Addition Also, again, as well as, similarly Emphasis Above all, especially, particularly Sequence At first, next, later on, then, soon, while, afterward Summary After all, in summary, finally

9 Concluding Sentence This sentence signals the end of the paragraph.
Your concluding sentence should summarize the ideas in your paragraph; it should NOT be worded like your claim. Your concluding sentence should add on to your ideas. When you are writing more than one paragraph, the last sentence can also be a transition sentence into your next idea.

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