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World War 2 Vocabulary Analysis

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1 World War 2 Vocabulary Analysis
Holocaust-The organized killing of European Jews and others during World War 2. World War 2-War fought from 1939 to 1945 between the Axis Powers and the Allied Powers. Fascism-Political system based on militarism, extreme nationalism and blind loyalty to state and its leader. Appeasement-Policy of giving in to aggression in order to avoid war. Genocide-Deliberate attempt to kill or destroy an entire nation or group of people. War Crimes-Wartime act of cruelty or brutality that is judged to be beyond the accepted rules of war and human behavior. Total War-All-out attacks aimed at destroying not only an enemy’s army but also its resources and people’s will to fight. Aggression-Warlike act by one country against another without cause. Totalitarian State-Nation in which a single party controls the government and every aspect of people’s lives. Communism-Economic and political system in which the state owns the means of production and a single party rules.

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