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Holocaust By: Aaron Christiansen Haley MacNeil Morgan Roberts

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1 Holocaust By: Aaron Christiansen Haley MacNeil Morgan Roberts
Jarrett Morrison

2 Table of Contents Title page Table of Contents Acrostic poem

3 H-HITLER Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party. Hitler had hatred for Jews and homosexuals. When he was the leader of the Nazi party he sent Jews to concentration camps, and either shot them or gassed them.

4 O-0tto Frank Otto Frank was a holocaust survivor. He is the father of Anne Frank and Margot Frank. He and his family went to a concentration camp, Otto Frank was the only Frank who survived the deadly concentration camp.

5 L-Law There were lots of laws made by Hitler against the Jews, Jewish people were banned from public businesses, such as convenient stores. If they did not brake any laws they would be arrested by the Gestapo. Jews were no longer citizens of Germany. They were not allowed to marry other Germans.

6 O-Outcasts The Jewish people became the outcasts even though they were born in Germany. Jews were treated worse than slaves.

7 C-Concentration Camps
When the Germans captured the Jews, they put them in trains that were really small that had more than one hundred people in them at a time. It may take five days to get the camps. By the time they got to the camps, they were starving.

8 A-Anne Frank Anne frank was a fifteen year girl that died of typus during World War II. She died in the year of She hid from the Nazis for a lot of years in concentration camp. Her sister Margot who died also in a death camp.

9 U-unwanted When Hitler became the Nazi party leader. The Jews were unwanted in the country because Hitler did not like Jews. Other groups became unwanted also.

10 S-Secret annex Anne Frank and her family were hiding in the secret annex from the Germans. While she was hiding, she wrote a fantastic diary that became well –known by a lot of people. It told her story about this time in Germany.

11 T- Torture When the Nazis captured the Jews they took them to the concentrantion camps and tortured them.

12 Never Again… This must never happen again as too many innocent children and adults died because of hatred. This made us very sad…

13 What we learned We learned that the German people were not that nice to the Jews because they followed and listened to a bully. Hatred of people caused the Holocaust. This is not right. Bullying is wrong. Racism is wrong.

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