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Hitler and the Third Reich

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Presentation on theme: "Hitler and the Third Reich"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hitler and the Third Reich

2 Versailles Treaty Reparations Military Limitations Loss of Territory
War Guilt Clause

3 Weimar Republic German government after World War I Many Problems
High unemployment Hyperinflation Leaders signed Versailles Treaty Parliament system Percentage of votes=percentage of seats

4 Adolf Hitler Unsuccessful Student Artist Vegetarian War hero
Excellent public speaker

5 Hitler’s speech


7 Obama’s speech

8 Hitler’s View of the Jew’s
Many theories: Mother killed by an inept Jewish Doctor. Jews were responsible for his rejection from art school. Already a strong streak of anti-Semitism in Europe and in Vienna where he lived. “Stab in the back” myth Jewish-Bolsheviks made Germany lose the war.

9 Nazi Party’s Key Ideas The Jews were the Universal enemy.
True Nationalism is based on Race. The fittest of the races, the Germans, would ultimately survive.

10 Beer Hall Putsch 1923, Hitler and his Storm troopers appear outside a pub and announce a coup. Police open fire and Hitler is arrested. Hitler writes Mein Kampf in prison. The Nazi party realize they must achieve power legally.

11 Rise of Hitler Hitler is released from Prison and the Nazi’s win big in the next parliamentary elections. Fighting between communists and Fascists in the streets. Hitler asked to be Chancellor in 1933. Reichstag Fire-Communists set fire Parliament Hitler used this as an excuse to legally turn himself into a dictator.

12 Nuremberg Laws 1935, First laws discriminating Jews.
“Law for protection of German blood and German honor.” Jews not citizens. No sexual contact, no marriage, no Jewish doctors, no Jews can hold government jobs.

13 Kirstallnacht First large scale act of violence against Jews by the government. 1,000 synagogues were burned down. Jewish businesses and homes were attacked. Jews were assaulted and nearly 100 murdered.

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