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The New Order and the Holocaust

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1 The New Order and the Holocaust

2 Create a perfect Aryan race
Goal of the Nazis: Create a perfect Aryan race Remove “undesirables” from society

3 Order of Events Nuremberg Laws Ghettos
Star of David Ghettos Cattle Cars  Concentration Camps Death Camps

4 The Nazi goals of racial purity and their control of Europe allowed them to eventually kill more than 6 million people, they deemed “unfit” for the new German Reich

5 Hitler’s plan went into full effect after the fall of Poland.
Focus: Jews and Gypsies Slavs in the east

6 1 Million Poles were removed from Poland and replaced with ethnic Germans (2 million by 1942)
There was a German labor shortage due to the war. Forced labor was a valuable resource.

7 The Final Solution/Holocaust
The “Final Solution” called for the extermination of all Jews (Genocide) The Holocaust (death of 2/3 of Europe’s Jews)

8 The Secret Police Secret Police were established and began rounding up Jews, forcing them into Ghettos. By 1941, the Secret Police were following the army advance and executing Jews and burying them in mass graves.

9 As many as 1 million Jews were executed by the Secret Police.
Labor, execution, medical experiments Women and children were often executed first because they could not do heavy work.

10 The Aftermath The killing was not efficient enough for the Nazis. They began sending European Jews to Death Camps. Jews were rounded up, put into cattle cars and shipped to Poland. Railcars with Jews were given priority even late in the war. (3 million Jews were killed in the camps)

11 9-10 million total- including non-Jews who were also killed by the Nazis (Poles, Slavs, Roma-Gypsies, disabled, homosexuals)




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