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Grouping and Review Brett Solberg AHS ‘11-’12.

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Presentation on theme: "Grouping and Review Brett Solberg AHS ‘11-’12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grouping and Review Brett Solberg AHS ‘11-’12

2 Warm-up Factor the following: 1) 4a2 – 64 Hint: D.O.S
2) 27z Hint: Sum of 3) 16a2 – 16ab + 4b2 Hint: P.S.T. What HW problems do you want to review?

3 Today’s Agenda Factor by Grouping Review different factoring methods
Greatest Common Factor Difference of Squares Sum/Diff of Cubes Perfect Square Trinomials Grouping

4 Activity I need 4 volunteers #1 likes Taylor Swift and Twilight
#2 like Taylor Swift and Star Trek #3 likes RSL and Twilight #4 likes RSL and Star Trek

5 Activity TS/TL + TS/ST + RSL/TL + RSL/ST What do all 4 have in common?
What do the 2 people have in common? TS(TL + ST) + RSL(TL + ST) What is the greatest common factor here? (TL + ST)(TS + RSL)

6 Grouping Split the expression in half to factor out GCF.
Use if you have 4 terms you cannot combine. x3 – 3x2 + 2x – 6 What is the GCF? (x3 – 3x2) + (2x – 6) x2(x – 3) + 2(x – 3) (x – 3)(x2 + 2)

7 1) 2ax + 6xc + ba + 3bc (2ax + 6xc) + (ba + 3bc) 2x(a + 3c) + b(a + 3c) (a + 3c)(2x + b) 7) ay – ab + cb - cy a(y-b) + c(b – y) a(y-b) – c(y – b) (y – b)(a – c) 14) 81x2 + 18xy + y2 – 4 9x(9x + 2y) + (y + 2)(y – 2) 17) 3x2 – 5x2y + 3y2 – 5y3 x2(3 – 5y) + y2(3 – 5y) (3 – 5y)(x2 + y2)

8 Grouping Spend 10 minutes working on the grouping worksheet.

9 Review Game Get in groups of 3 and pick a team name and captain.
Send the captain up to get a white board, marker, and eraser.

10 Review Game Rules 9 rounds 30 – 60 sec to factor a problem
1st team done – 5 points 2nd team done – 4 points All correct answers – 3 points Flip board over when finished writing or erasing after flipped = disqualification Alternate writers Winning team gets candy

11 #1 16y2 + 8y 8y(2y + 1)

12 #2 4x2 – 9y2 (2x + 3y)(2x – 3y)

13 #3 27m3 – 8 (3m – 2)(9m2 + 12m + 4)

14 #4 9x2 – 48x + 64 (3x - 8)2

15 #5 3x3y + 9x2y2 +36xy2 3xy(x2 + 3xy + 12y)

16 #6 4y2 + 8ay – y – 2a (4y – 1)(y + 2a)

17 #7 15x2 – 60 y2 15(x2 – 4y2) 15(x + 2y)(x – 2y)

18 #8 7x x + 63 7(x2 + 18x + 9) 7(x + 3)2

19 #9 100x2 + 90x + 81 Prime a = 10x b = 9 2ab = 2*10x*9 = 180x

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