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ENG II Unit II Kristi Hodges.

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1 ENG II Unit II Kristi Hodges

2 November 10, 2015 Warm up: Reflect on the podcast assignment and Unit 1. What did you most enjoy? What benefited you most? What did you least enjoy? Explain your responses. Quick Discussion Overview of Unit 2 Brainstorm: Make a list of topical issues you personally face on a daily basis. For example, I have celiac disease, so I constantly have to check ingredients and worry about what I eat. This might fall under a topic of health, diet, food production, etc. In groups of 3, share your lists with each other and add to your list considering issues the school and local community faces. Share and discuss as a class Create class list of issues and add state and national issues Consider the word, “boundary.” How do the issues on the list connect to the idea of boundaries?

3 Unit 2: What am I being asked to do?
Develop and write an argument about a debatable global issue that is experienced across cultures. Choose a position, target audience, and effective genre to convey your argument to your target audience. You will include visual images in your argument (charts, photos, etc.) Support your argument with a line of reasoning and relevant evidence selected for your target audience. Your argument should employ counterclaims and consider various perspectives. Sources should be cited.

4 “Mending Wall” by Robert Frost
Write the word, “boundary” on the top of the paper While reading the poem, underline parts that connect to or remind you of a boundary—real or imagined, literal or figurative Share and discuss Read the poem again and write down what you believe might be the claim of the poem—what is Frost arguing? How do you know? What specific lines support the claim you’ve chosen? How so? Reflection: How do people create boundaries for themselves? Write a poem or create a piece of art that represents boundaries in your own life that either you have created for yourself or others have created for you

5 November 11, 2015 Warm up: Read the poem again and write down what you believe might be the claim of the poem—What is Frost arguing? How do you know? What specific lines support the claim you’ve chosen? How so? Quick Discussion Review claims, evidence, and reasoning—Take some notes! Internet/social media argument analysis and response

6 What is a Claim?

7 What is Evidence?

8 What is Reasoning? REASON


10 Identify Claims, Evidence, and Reasoning—Is there a balance?
You know I try not to ever be political, I try to keep my personal opinion to myself, but I have got to say something is wrong....When the AMERICAN president won't send all our troops to STOP idiots from making threats, videos of horrible images of people being chopped up on You Tube for God sakes....these people do not deserve another minute of air time...if they can post on the internet they can be found and stopped DEAD in their tracks and anyone that backs these people gets the same deal...DEAD in their tracks...these people are coming to our soil they are here..they are being arrested for buying guns to kill AMERICAN citizens. Then a deadly Ebola outbreak in Africa and other countries...horrible just the same but 500 billion dollars to send 500 American Troops on the ground to help stop the outbreak...are you kidding me my word what is wrong with this. That puts our soldiers in harms ways,,,, these idiots ISIS..will start using this too to come to our soil and kill our people....Good Lord people wake up speak up we need to send a message to this group of idiots who stalk and kill innocent people that you just opened a can of whoop a** bigger than you ever dreamed of.....We are the United States of America we are who other Nations call in their time of need and we have always answered those calls for help...Now we need to help the World be rid of these idiots, now..before we have another attack on this most precious of soils. We can cure Ebola we cannot cure dead American Citizens.

11 November 12, 2015 Warm up: Everything’s an Argument! Lesson—global perspective on a topic

12 November 13, 2015 Warm up: Lost Boys of Sudan documentary viewing with claim, evidence, reasoning organizer

13 November 16, 2015 Warm up: It says, I say, And So with Argument Templates

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