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Shakespearean Insult Game

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1 Shakespearean Insult Game
English 9C: Romeo & Juliet

2 modulation of the voice; change in pitch or tone of voice.

3 a musical or vocal sound with reference to its pitch, quality, and strength

4 “I’m Sorry!” Sincerely Sarcastically Nonchalant Begging
Passive aggressive “I’m Sorry!”

5 The Insult Game Read your insult a few times.
Decipher the meaning of your insult and share with the class Begin circulating around the room. When the music stops, immediately deliver your insult to the person nearest you using inflection and tone that relates to the given prompt The Insult Game

6 The Insult Game Continued
Partner up with someone in the class and stand across from them forming two rows Listen to the situation given When instructed deliver your insult The Insult Game Continued

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