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Business of magazines.

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1 Business of magazines

2 What the PPA says There are over 3,000 consumer titles and almost 5,000 business titles in the UK Between 200 and 300 new titles are launched every year Nearly nine out of ten UK adults read consumer magazines Each consumer magazine is read, on average, for a total of 50 minutes The average UK adult buys about 22 magazines a year Britons are the third biggest spenders per head on consumer magazines in Europe £1.6 billion is spent on advertising in consumer magazines every year £1 billion is spent on advertising in business magazines every year   The UK magazine industry employs 114,000 people UK publishers sell 40 million magazines outside of the UK every year

3 Consumer magazines Titles from niche (hobby) to general. Large or small? Editor’s vision. Types of publisher Gap in the market/market in the gap – are the readers out there? Are the advertisers out there – general or niche advertising? Advantages/disadvantages How research? Budgets How money is made 35% ADS/65%SALES (or is it?) Sales/adverts/other income Launch costs Newsstand/subs Value the adverts? Marketing Circulation/readership metrics

4 Business to business Types of publisher
Research – lists - market knowledge – spin offs PFK-PPM BUSINESS: Closed circulation/ subscriptions/lists -100% ads? Quality information/ exclusives/ collation? Ed/ad relationship – ad person as editor? How do we balance readers/advertisers needs? Is everything lovely? Reader respect/advertiser respect. Something for nothing? The web – quality information?

5 Contract publishing Diplomacy and editorial boards
Advertising controls Where does the money go? Competition and switching suppliers

6 Newsletters Paying for information Examples? How is money made?

7 House journals Working for the man/propaganda Writing styles
Interviewing techniques

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