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Service is the pathway to Real significance

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1 Service is the pathway to Real significance
Real Service Service is the pathway to Real significance

2 The First Important characteristic of a servant is Love
and is continually striving to know God better A servant must have contact with everyone in the group that he/ or she teaches. If a servant see's a child not coming to the class for a long time to call the child up and know why the person hasn't came and can require you to go and visit the children. As servants we are required to lead the children that we teach to the kingdom of God and if you see that a child is sad try to know what is wrong with him/or her because sometimes children don't tell their parents everything and feel that they need someone else to trust and tell their problems to. Provide them with words of encouragement this way you are touching the souls of the children and you are also doing what the verse says in Matthew 25:35 For i  was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in. This verse is the key to the kingdom of the lord people in your class may be hungry and thirsty for you to love them and want you to be with them in the difficult times that they experience

3 We are not perfect and will never be perfect. So we are no better
Humility is the foundation of service, it is humility that facilitates every service and the lack of Humility that destroys every service We are all sinners. We are not perfect and will never be perfect. So we are no better than our fellow servants nor are we better than those we do Serve A humble servant is an obedient servant who loves God and his fellow man, respects and honors the role and resonsibility of a servant without questions or quarrels

4 A Real Servant Must Watch Every
Aspect Of Service And Is Responsible For example do we pray for our class? ask yourself this question. We should pray for our class not as a whole but individually each one by his or his name and if we are not praying for these people we are sinning against our lord. A Responsible servant should make sure that the class is learning and getting in spiritual food a good way to do it is by a quiz or trivia this is a good way to make sure that the class if focused in what you are saying and this is the responsibility of a servant to know that the child gets some spiritual benefit from the lesson and not go out and not get anything from what you said

5 A servant is Recquired to be Faithful
and it means that we have to serve correctly and give the glory to God instead of ourselves we as servants must provide our children with nourishment and spiritual food and we must make sure that this spiritual food is given in correct times ( the proper times can include visitations to the children's houses, phones calls .etc) we need to be faithful, committed and wise to touch souls of the children whom we serve and if your not faithful or wise you simply lose souls which is very sad to think in this way.

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