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Reconstruction Ends.

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Presentation on theme: "Reconstruction Ends."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconstruction Ends

2 Johnson Impeached Johnson impeached (call into question/charged) for his stance on the South Had done nothing of merit to be removed Bad relationship with Congress and Radical Republicans

3 Grant Elected War hero Willing to work with congress
Pass 15th amendment Loopholes for Southern States

4 Carpet Baggers People from the North that came to the South
Attempted to profit from reconstruction Sometimes sought election in area with no local connection

5 Scalawags Southerner’s name for anyone working for the new government
Traitor to the South For personal profit

6 Sharecropping Top 5% now owned half the land
Landless whites and blacks competed for land Landowner dictated the crop Provide place to live Provide seeds and tools Sharecropper got small share Landowners sold supplies on credit at high interest-put sharecroppers in debt

7 Ku Klux Klan Started by Ex-Confederates
Used intimidation and violence to return political power to whites Attacked and killed African Americans, and whites who also helped

8 Jim Crow 1881-blacks had everything separate from whites
Segregation-legal separation in public places Jim Crow Laws-enforced the segregation of the South

9 The Ending Radical Republicans lose power in Congress in 1874
1876 Election Rutherford B. Hayes wins election Needed to be recounted Shows power struggle between North and South

10 Compromise of 1877 Federal troops withdrawn from the South
Southerner appointed to powerful cabinet position South guaranteed federal subsides to build railroads and improve ports South now known as the “Solid South” for Democrats

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