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SAT Vocabulary Set Sixteen.

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1 SAT Vocabulary Set Sixteen

2 Belligerent (adj.) War-like; inclined to fight
Cody was so belligerent that it took three teachers to pull him away from the fight.

3 Enigmatic (adj.) Difficult to understand
Miss H. was hoping that her “half the age” riddle would be more enigmatic, but many of her students figured it out easily.

4 Hyperbole (n.) An exaggeration
No one believed Kerry’s story due to her repeated use of hyperbole.

5 Heterogeneous (adj.) Composed of different parts; varied; diverse
Our class is a perfect example of a heterogeneous group of people!

6 Indigenous (adj.) Native to a certain area
The indigenous people of America were forced out of their own land by foreign settlers.

7 Lackadaisical (adj.) Not caring; indifferent; worry-free; lazy
People with a more lackadaisical mindset may live more stress-free lives.

8 Revere (v.) To respect deeply; to praise

9 Tenacious (adj.) Not giving in easily; stubborn
The tenacious horse refused to leave its stable until it was given an apple.

10 Thwart (v.) Prevent; repel; steer away
An ancient myth claims that garlic will thwart off vampires.

11 Verbose (adj.) Using too many words
The was far too verbose for the brief point the teacher was trying to make.

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