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In the Zimmermann note, what did Germany promise Mexico in return for its support during world war I? A. Germany would cede territory in Africa to Mexico.

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Presentation on theme: "In the Zimmermann note, what did Germany promise Mexico in return for its support during world war I? A. Germany would cede territory in Africa to Mexico."— Presentation transcript:

1 In the Zimmermann note, what did Germany promise Mexico in return for its support during world war I? A. Germany would cede territory in Africa to Mexico. B. Germany would not attack Mexican merchant ships. C. Germany would help Mexico regain territory in the United States. D. Germany would loan Mexico money to jump-start its economy.

2 Learning TArgets I can: describe Wilson’s 14 points.
explain the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. evaluate the opposing positions in the Treaty of Versailles debate.

3 pRESIDENT wILSON’S Vision for world peace
Fourteen Points: President Wilson’s program for peace and to prevent another World War

4 14 points The Points How would this support World Peace?
POINT 1 - Countries would not make secret treaties and alliances

5 14 points The Points How would this support World Peace?
POINT 1 - Countries would not make secret treaties and alliances POINT 2 - Ships would be able to travel freely in time of war

6 14 points The Points How would this support World Peace?
POINT 1 - Countries would not make secret treaties and alliances POINT 2 - Ships would be able to travel freely in time of war POINT 3 - Free trade among countries would promote economic growth and reduce trade conflicts

7 14 points The Points How would this support World Peace?
POINT 1 - Countries would not make secret treaties and alliances POINT 2 - Ships would be able to travel freely in time of war POINT 3 - Free trade among countries would promote economic growth and reduce trade conflicts POINT 4- Countries would reduce their stockpiles of weapons or armaments

8 How would this support World Peace?
14 points The Points How would this support World Peace? POINT 5 - The desires of colonial people would be taken into consideration

9 How would this support World Peace?
14 points The Points How would this support World Peace? POINT 5 - The desires of colonial people would be taken into consideration POINT Redraw some borders on the basis of self-determination would reduce conflicts with ethnic groups

10 How would this support World Peace?
14 points The Points How would this support World Peace? POINT 5 - The desires of colonial people would be taken into consideration POINT Redraw some borders on the basis of self-determination would reduce conflicts with ethnic groups POINT 14 - Countries would work together in the League of Nations to resolve conflicts before those conflicts escalated to war

11 League of Nations Would maintain peace and prevent world war through collective security Collective security: a commitment by many countries to join together to deal with a nation that threatens peace Who: The Big Four President Wilson (U.S.) David Lloyd George (G. Br) Geoges Clemenceau (Fr.) Vittoria Orlando (Itay) Part of Treaty of Versailles Wilson wanted the 14 points Other countries wanted to punish Germany (war guilt clause + reparations)

12 Political cartoon

13 Reading Like a historian
You should have President Wilson and Henry Cabot Lodge Documents Graphic Organizer. After completing the reading/organizer, you will have to decide – do you agree with Lodge or Wilson? Wilson would say: • Lodge is nationalistic and small-minded. • The U.S. needs to create global and international relations; must work together with other countries. • We need to try to prevent future wars. Lodge would say: • Wilson is really naïve. • The U.S. needs to take care of itself first. • There is no way that other nations are going to look out for American interests.

14 Reading Like a HIstorian
Move to the side of the room that matches who you agree with Henry Lodge President Wilson

15 Complete your exit slips – make sure they’re a level 3!

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