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Sound Chapter 26.1 – 26.4.

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1 Sound Chapter 26.1 – 26.4

2 Sound Produced by vibrating object that sends disturbance through surrounding medium (usually air) Longitudinal waves

3 Pitch Our impression of the frequency of sound
High pitched sounds = high frequency Low pitched sounds = low frequency

4 Media that Transmit Sound
Sound requires a medium to transmit through Sound cannot be produced in a vacuum Sound is produced in solids, liquids and gases Solid > liquid > gas Sound is transmitted louder and faster in solids

5 Speed of Sound In air, approximately 330 m/s.
If you increase temperature of air, increases speed of sound Elastic materials transmit sound faster than inelastic materials

6 Loudness Intensity and loudness are related
Intensity of sound is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the sound wave

7 Interference Sound waves have interference
Crest of wave is area of compression in longitudinal wave Trough = area of rarefaction

8 Destructive interference of sound waves can produce dead spots (where you cannot hear any sound)
Constructive interference produces a louder sound in those areas

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