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Unit 5: __________ What are Plants? Roots, Stems, and Leaves

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1 Unit 5: __________ What are Plants? Roots, Stems, and Leaves
Reproduction in Flowering Plants

2 Plant Characteristics
Plants come in all sizes, from the ___________________which grows to only about 10 mm in length, to the giant __________which grows to about ___________ in height.

3 Despite their great ___________, all plants share the following characteristics:
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Plants have eukaryotic cells with ____________________. Plants have a cuticle.

4 ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

5 Plant Classification Classification in the ____________________ is based on the _________________ or absence of ____________________ ____________________.

6 _________________________________are divided into two groups—those that produce ___________ and those that do not. Plants that produce seeds are divided into __________________ and _____________________. Examples of plants that have ______________are ferns, ________________, and horsetails.


8 Plant Evolution Because plants are ____________ in many ways to _____________________, scientists think that both may have originated from an _______________________ of green algae.

9 The first ________________ of plants show up in the fossil record during the late __________________ Period—about _________ million years ago. Plants started out _______________________, an ideal environment that _____________________and transported _______________. As Earth’s __________________ changed, plants had to __________ to life on land.


11 Non-Vascular Plants The non-vascular plants include the ____________ and __________________. These are small, _____________usually found in __________ locations.

12 The ____________________of nonvascular plants shows an ______________ of __________________.
Mosses and liverworts need ______________________the ___________ to the eggs for _____________________.

13 The _____________________of a liverwort looks like a tiny palm tree.
The body of the __________________ stage is leafy and flattened. ________________ are root-like growths that extend from beneath the body and _________________ the plant.

14 ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

15 Seedless ________________ Plants
The seedless vascular plants include ____________, club mosses, and ____________________.

16 The form of a fern is the __________________.
Ferns have an _______________ stem called a _____________ from which the fronds unfurl. Young fronds are ______________________ and are called ______________________.

17 ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

18 Like ______________________, ferns need water to transport _______________to _______________.

19 ___________________________with Seeds
A seed is a structure that contains a __________________ and a supply of food inside a ____________________ ___________________.

20 ______________________ are a group of vascular plants whose _______ are housed in _____________.
______________________, also known as _________ _____________, produce seeds within a _________.


22 More About Seed Plants Gymnosperms include ________________, cycads, and gingkoes. A gymnosperm called the _________________is the _________________ living ___________________ on Earth.

23 ________________ are divided into two classes- _____________ and ___________.
A ______________ is an embryonic leaf found inside of a ___________.

24 ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

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