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Notes Word Pictures due tomorrow

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1 Notes Word Pictures due tomorrow
Word List 11 Notes Word Pictures due tomorrow

2 shaded Words

3 -I : Plural Octopi: more than one octopus in a group
Alumni: a group of graduates

4 Jus : Law Justice – upholding the law
Unjust – not being lawful or fair

5 Lum : Light Luminous: full of light
Luminary: one who inspires/shines a light into the lives of others

6 Ann : Year Annual : once a year
Annuity: fixed sum of money received once a year

7 Sol : Alone Solo: one person; unaccompanied or alone
Solitude: the state of being alone

8 Gram : Writing Telegram: a short, direct written message
Pentagram: star made by drawing (writing) a continuous line

9 Cant : Sing Recant: to sing back what you hear (chant)
Canticle: A hymn or chant

10 Pro : Forward Provide: to bring forward for use
Prospect: the possibility of a future (“forward”) event occurring

11 Mob : Move Mobility: the ability to move freely
Immobilize: to prevent from moving

12 Nounce : Tell Announce: telling a public audience a message
Denounce: telling a public audience that something is wrong

13 Non-shaded Words

14 Apo : Away or up Apology Apostrophe:
A punctuation mark placed “up” by a letter Apotheosis: the highest point up in a life or career

15 Sen : Old Senior: an older person (in school or in life)
Senile: showing weaknesses of old age

16 Bas : Low Base: the lowest part of something Basal: the bottom layer

17 Rogat: Ask Interrogation: the act of asking questions
11B Rogat: Ask Interrogation: the act of asking questions Arrogate: to take something without asking

18 Parl: Speak Parliament: a formal conference for speaking about public affairs Parlor – a specific room created for speaking with guests

19 Potent : Power Potential: power to grow; possibility
Potentate: a monarch or ruler with power Ex 2-Potent: powerful

20 Surg : Rise Surge: sudden powerful rise Insurgence: uprising

21 Log : Word or reason Logic: valid reasoning
Monologue: speech (words) given by one actor

22 Reg: Rule Regal: fit for a ruler
Regiment: unit of an army ruled by a colonel

23 Gyn: Woman Androgynous: neither specifically masculine or feminine
Gynecologist: a doctor that specializes in women

24 Ag : To do Agile: to move quickly Agitate: to irritate

25 Act : To do React: to act in response to another action
Transact: to conduct business

26 Sess : Sit Session: a group of people sitting together for a purpose
Obsession: person/place/thing that is constantly “sitting” on your mind

27 Fic : Make Fiction: Literature that is imaginary or made-up
Horrific: made to feel intense feeling of fear

28 Andro : Man Android: a robot with a human (man) appearance
Androgynous: neither specifically masculine or feminine

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