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Short Answer Responses

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1 Short Answer Responses

2 Short Answer Response For each SAR, you will have a box like the one to the right that allows you ten (10) lines for your answer. You cannot write outside of the box, and you cannot “double line” in order to squeeze more writing in the box.

3 SAR Formula 1) Make an assertion 2) Supply the evidence (citation)
3) Comment on the quotation While the formula is a three step process, your response may have more than three sentences. The formula above provides you with the minimum required to craft a sufficient response.

4 Step One: Make an Assertion
Answer the question! (Hint: You can use the words in the question they give you!) Be insightful! Do not just provide a literal, superficial response to the question. Do NOT include your quote within your assertion! The assertion and textual evidence should be two distinct sentences. Example Question: Why does Equality choose the name Prometheus for himself? (Good Assertion) Equality chooses the name Prometheus because he feels that it is a correct interpretation of the role he has chosen for himself in the world. (Bad Assertion) He chooses the name because he thinks it is cool.

5 Step Two: Supply the Evidence
Find the BEST quote to answer the question. Introduce the quotation: name the speaker/narrator and explaining briefly the situation/context of the quotation Quote: a word, phrase, line or lines from a text or source (should support the assertion and be included in the same sentence as its introduction) Document the quotation: with the author’s name and page number inside parentheses

6 Using Quotations Effectively
Verbs are all in present tense when speaking of events in literature. Past tense: In Anthem, the Golden One and Equality ran away because they wanted to be free from oppression. Present tense: In Anthem, the Golden one and Equality choose to run away because they want to be free from oppression.

7 Quote blending: Blend the text as if the words were already a natural part of the sentence
Not Blended Quote: “He took the light of the gods and brought it to men, and he taught men to be gods. And he suffered for his deed as all bearers of light must suffer (Rand 75-6). Blended Quote: Prometheus believes that he resembles the mythological Titan because “he took light [from] the gods and brought it to men...and [has] suffered for his deed [just] as all bearers of light must suffer” (Rand 75- 6). Example Question: Why does Equality choose the name Prometheus for himself? Equality chooses the name Prometheus because he feels that it is a correct interpretation of the role he has chosen for himself in the world. Prometheus believes that he resembles the mythological Titan because “he took light [from] the gods and brought it to men...and [has] suffered for his deed [just] as all bearers of light must suffer” (Rand 75-6).

8 [Brackets] Brackets: Brackets are used to insert text not in the original quote. Original Quote: “The knob of the uprooted studio door was still in his hand. Ballerinas, technicians, musicians, and announcers cowered on their knees before him, expecting to die” (Vonnegut). Quote with Brackets: “The knob of the uprooted studio door [is] still in [Harrison’s] hand. [Everyone cowers] on their knees before him, expecting to die” (Vonnegut).

9 Again, I realize this example is not from something you have read, but you get the general idea! 
Ellipses… Ellipses: Ellipses are used when a writer wants to leave out part of the quotation to show that some text has been omitted. Original Quote: “Not only were the laws of the land abandoned, but the law of gravity and the laws of motion as well. They reeled, whirled, swiveled, flounced, capered, gamboled, and spun.” Quote with Ellipses: In the room “…the laws of the land were abandoned…they reeled, whirled, swiveled, flounced, capered, gamboled, and spun.”

10 Comment on the quotation
DO NOT END YOUR ANSWER WITH A QUOTE!!! Always provide commentary after the quote. You are adding commentary to your answer – you are not: Re-stating your assertion Summarizing the quote(s) you provided However when crafting your commentary, do not go beyond the concepts contained in the text evidence. If you provide new information, you must have textual support to defend it. This is where you answer the “so what?”

11 Put it all together Example Question: Why does Equality choose the name Prometheus for himself? Equality chooses the name Prometheus because he feels that it is a correct interpretation of the role he has chosen for himself in the world. Prometheus believes that he resembles the mythological Titan because “he took light [from] the gods and brought it to men...and [has] suffered for his deed [just] as all bearers of light must suffer” (Rand 75-6). In this moment, Equality shows his ability to think outside the world in which he was raised. Through his choice of name, he demonstrates the acceptance of his suffering and the connection that can be made with other great sufferers in history.

12 Final Reminders Remember that there are three parts to your answer:
Assertion (one sentence that answers the question) Evidence (must be blended and cited) Commentary (can be more than one sentence) Fill up the box, but do not go outside the lines or make your own lines! Don't be afraid to have more than one sentence of commentary. [Some of you will need to learn to write small!] Do not always blend your quotes the same way. You can use more than one piece of evidence. Never end in a quote.

13 GIVE IT A TRY Draw a ten line box and answer the following question using the SAR formula. Do the best you can---we will take these up when you walk in the door on Tuesday. This practice SAR is simply a way to see what you are capable of before we start the work in class. All the information you need in order to TRY is in the ppt—there is no need to . This practice is not a grade, but it is mandatory. Question: What is the problem with Equality ’s height in his society?

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