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8th Grade College and Career Readiness Lesson

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Presentation on theme: "8th Grade College and Career Readiness Lesson"— Presentation transcript:

1 8th Grade College and Career Readiness Lesson
Mr. Morgan Ms. Christensen Ms. Thomas Ms. Gerber

2 Objectives: Become more familiar with Utah Futures
Complete the Reality Check Assessment

3 How to log into Utah Futures
Open an Internet browser Type in the address for Utah Futures Roll the mouse over Students, scroll down to Assessments Click Reality Check Under Option #2 Click on Get Started

4 This is what you should see if you after you click on “Reality Check”

5 Click on the dots that best match how you would like to live as an adult.

6 Your results should look like this..

7 Discussion Questions Are your “Matching Occupations” similar to the career you listed on your goal sheet? What type of education and/or training is needed for your chosen occupation? How strong is the outlook for this career in the future? (How many stars does it have?) You can have students divide into groups and discuss these questions

8 Conclusion “He who fails to plan, plans to fail”

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