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Presentation on theme: "Adjectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adjectives

2 1st-2nd declension 3rd declension There are two kinds of adjectives.
FORMS OF ADJECTIVES There are two kinds of adjectives. 1st-2nd declension 3rd declension

3 What do adjectives look like in a vocabulary list?
You are usually given nominative, singular forms for adjectives. The nominative singular forms are for the: masculine nominative singular feminine nominative singular neuter nominative singular

4 amicus, amica, amicum friendly EXAMPLES masculine feminine neuter
nominative nominative nominative singular singular singular friendly

5 Some masculine forms end in -er
miser, misera, miserum masculine feminine neuter nominative nominative nominative singular singular singular sacer, sacra, sacrum masculine feminine neuter nominative nominative nominative singular singular singular

6 Here are some words from our new list
meus, mea, meum noster, nostra, nostrum suus, sua, suum tuus, tua, tuum vester, vestra, vestrum miser, misera, miserum

Words that are spelled with –er will NOT add –us miser √ miserus x sacer sacerus vester vesterus CORRECT WRONG!!

Notice for some words that have an –er in the masculine form the –e disappears in the feminine and neuter form. sacer, sacra, sacrum noster, nostra, nostrum vester, vestra, vestrum

9 miser, misera, miserum liber, libera, liberum
BUT NOT ALL miser, misera, miserum liber, libera, liberum

Two 1st-2nd declension 3rd declension All the previous examples were from the 1st-2nd declension

11 Declension How can you tell if an adjective is 1st-2nd declension or 3rd declension? Adjectives of the 1st-2nd declension will have a form that ends in –a Adjectives of the 3rd declension will have a form that ends in -is

12 Tell me the declension of the following
acer, acris, acre facilis, facile calidus, calida, calidum clarus, clara, clarum aureus, aurea, aureum brevis, breve sacer, sacra, sacrum commotus, commota, commotum dexter, dextra, dextrum

13 All the adjectives on this weeks list are 1st -2nd declension
amicus, amica, amicum bonus, bona, bonum foedus, foeda, foedum inimicus, inimica, inimicum liber, libera, liberum

14 BASE OF ADJECTIVES To get the base of an adjective use the word that ends in –a (if the adjective is 1st-2nd declension) Drop the –a If the adjective is 3rd declension, use the –is form and drop the -is

15 Give the base for the following adjectives
meus, mea, meum noster, nostra, nostrum suus, sua, suum tuus, tua, tuum vester, vestra, vestrum miser, misera, miserum me- nostr- su- tu- vestr- miser-

16 An adjective must agree with the noun it modifies in … GENDER NUMBER
Agreement An adjective must agree with the noun it modifies in … GENDER NUMBER CASE

17 FORMS Adjectives of the 1st-2nd declension have endings that look like… 1st-2nd declension

18 1st and 2nd declension adjective endings
Feminine singular Feminine plural Masculine singular Masculine plural Neuter singular Neuter plural a ae us/er i um arum orum is o am as os

19 1st and 2nd declension noun endings
1st decl. singular 1st decl. plural 2nd Masc singular 2nd Masc plural 2nd Neut singular 2nd Neut plural a ae us/er/ir i um arum orum is o am as os

20 MEMORIZE THEM If you have not memorized these forms…
You will want to do so as soon as possible.

21 Example irritating stories – accusative plural Do the NOUN first.
Figure out the declension and get the base of the noun. Then add the ending. fabula, fabulae = 1st declension fabul__ = base fabulas = base with accusative plural ending Then do the adjective. Get the base. molestus, molesta, molestum molest___ = the base

22 Now make the adjective AGREE in GENDER, NUMBER and CASE with the noun
Now make the adjective AGREE in GENDER, NUMBER and CASE with the noun. We know the case and number, but what is the gender? Most 1st declension nouns are feminine. The only exceptions we learn are: agricola, nauta and poeta So, fabula, fabulae is feminine

23 fabulas molest___ Go to the adjective chart and find the accusative, feminine, plural fabulas molestas Short cut – if the noun and the adjective are from the same declension the endings usually match. Remember the charts.

24 1st and 2nd declension noun endings
1st decl. singular 1st decl. plural 2nd Masc singular 2nd Masc plural 2nd Neut singular 2nd Neut plural a ae us/er/ir i um arum orum is o am as os

25 1st and 2nd declension adjective endings
Feminine singular Feminine plural Masculine singular Masculine plural Neuter singular Neuter plural a ae us/er i um arum orum is o am as os

26 We will worry about the exceptions later. Focus on
getting the correct declension for the noun getting the correct base for the noun and the adjective knowing the meanings of nouns and adjectives

27 Try a few. Put these in the form indicated.
beautiful houses – accusative plural my daughter – nominative singular in our stories – ablative plural much money – accusative singular wild horse – dative singular many men – nominative plural new books- accusative, plural large town – accusative, singular long wars – nominative, plural

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