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Contracts for governance.

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Presentation on theme: "Contracts for governance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contracts for governance.
Creation Laws of Creation Humans Common Law Governance Responsibility Power & Authority Acts, Bills Statutes etc Corporate Oligarchy Part 9 – Delegation of Rights and Privileges Contracts for governance.

2 Creation is the highest authority
We have established the fact that creation (who or what ever that may be) is the highest authority on earth in Understanding my Authority, Responsibility and Accountability

3 Highest Law on Planet Earth
From that we have established the fact that as no one can prove authority over another creation there is one moral law; No human can knowingly cause another creation harm beyond meeting their needs of survival

4 All interactions are by contract
Hence any and all lawful interactions between more than one human can only be by lawful contract, which means any man made rules cannot have authority to knowingly cause another creation harm as no human has this authority from the creator! The requirement for a contract are detailed in Contracts.

5 LAW OF THE LAND derived by contract
One obvious question this raises is how can anything be deemed to be consensual contract of any man made law before you were born!!!! Hence My peace offer to fellow humans made and My Declaration of Independence of the 13th June 2017.

6 Lawful vs. Legal LAWFUL Blacks Law Dictionary 4th edition p The principal distinction between the terms "lawful” and "legal" is that the former contemplates the substance of law, the latter the form of law. To say of an act that it is "lawful" implies that it is authorized, sanctioned, or at any rate not forbidden, by law. To say that it is "legal" implies that it is done or performed in accordance with the forms and usages of law, or in a technical manner. In this sense "illegal" approaches the meaning of "invalid” cont......

7 Lawful vs. Legal cont.... LAWFUL Blacks Law Dictionary 4th edition p For example, a contract or will, executed without the required formalities, might be said to be invalid or illegal, but could not be described as unlawful. Further, the word "lawful" more clearly implies an ethical content than does "legal." The latter goes no further than to denote compliance, with positive, technical, or formal rules; while the former usually imports a moral substance or ethical permissibility.

8 All interactions are by contract
LAW OF THE LAND. Blacks Law Dictionary 4th edition p Due process of law (q. v.). By the law of the land is most clearly intended the general law which hears before it condemns, which proceeds upon inquiry, and renders judgment only after trial. Dupuy v. Tedora, 204 La.560, 15 So.2d 886, 891. The meaning is that every citizen shall hold his life, liberty, property, and immunities under the protection of general rules which govern society. Rich Hill Coal Co. v. Brashore,.... Everything which may pass under the form of an enactment is not the law of the land.

HENCE no act, bill, statue or rule stands above the law of the land which is to not knowingly cause another creation harm, and hence can only have lawful standing if there is a contract where there has been a meeting of the minds.

10 LAW OF THE LAND derived by contract
As all human interaction can only be derived by contract the claimant must prove their authority over other creations. As was proven in Understanding my Authority, Responsibility and Accountability, that means each human must delegate their authority, and to be lawful it must be by consent as described in Peaceful social interaction is by consent, not deceit.

11 LAW OF THE LAND derived by contract
One obvious question this raises is how can anything be deemed to be consensual contract of any man made law before you were born!!!!

12 Safety when contracting
Only enter into contracts with a named man or woman, or a named man or woman authorised by any named legal entity. Only enter contracts that are written in your lawful language as you were taught so that you understand it!

13 A Contract is a promise of performance
Remain in honour and stick to your promises! If you have entered an unlawful contract take responsibility for your intent and remain in honour.

14 Delegation of authority vs. responsibility.
In Understanding my Authority, Responsibility and Accountability, it was shown that; I understand my authority I can delegate my authority as I wish. I understand I cannot delegate my responsibility. Only I can be held responsible for actions resulting from delegating my authority.

15 Rights RIGHT. Blacks Law Dictionary 4th ed. P1562
As a noun, and taken in a concrete sense, a power, privilege, faculty, or demand, inherent in one person and incident upon another. “Rights” are defined generally as "powers of free action.“..... Personal rights is a term of rather vague import, but generally it may be said to mean the right of personal security, comprising those of life, limb, body, health, reputation, and the right of personal liberty.

16 Rights So we have inherent rights given to us from creation, who or whatever that might be! As each individual has equal authority we can only have equal “rights”. Man made entities can only have “rights” if those are delegated through man made law. Governments cannot delegate “rights”, humans delegate rights to governments!

17 Privilege PRIVILEGE. Blacks Law Dictionary 4th ed. P1435 A particular and peculiar benefit or advantage enjoyed by a person, company, or class, beyond the common advantages of other citizens.

18 Citizen CITIZEN. Blacks Law Dictionary 4th ed. P1435 A member of a free city or jural society, (civitas,) possessing all the rights and privileges which can be enjoyed by any person under its constitution and government, and subject to the corresponding duties.

19 Citizen = Contract 1. Parties of the contract. “any person” (you) “ under its constitution and government” (who is beneficial owner?) 2. Terms of contract. “possessing all the rights and privileges” 3. Consideration. “subject to the corresponding duties”

20 Signed by you???? Full disclosure????
So there are 3 obvious questions Who owns the governments? 2. Was there full disclosure? 3. How did I enter this contract? These are where the endless conspiracy theories come in and will be separate topics!

21 All humans have equal authority
The true pyramid of power starts with me! Creation Laws of Creation All humans have equal authority Common Law Governance Responsibility Power & Authority Acts, Bills Statutes etc Corporate Oligarchy

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