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The Crucible, Act II continued By Arthur miller

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1 The Crucible, Act II continued By Arthur miller


3 PALLOR She hadn’t noticed his pallor beneath his copper skin, but she saw it now.

4 PALLOR A few weeks on the beach should take the pallor from your skin as well.

5 PALLOR “And you have a son!” She began, her pallor suddenly turning to a vivid red.

6 PALLOR What is the best definition of the word pallor:
A. Sun-burned face B. Tanned face C. paleness D. Olive complexion

7 PALLOR Noun; paleness


9 AVIDLY Airport police became suspicious of a passenger after one of the drug dogs avidly sniffed his carry on bag.

10 AVIDLY My friend avidly reads mystery novels.

11 Avidly This was the club that I had so avidly supported since I was nine.

12 Avidly What is the best definition of the word avidly:
A. Not wanting to do something B. To do something lazily C. To be forced to do something D. To do with enthusiasm and interest

13 adv.; to do with enthusiasm and interest; eagerly
Avidly adv.; to do with enthusiasm and interest; eagerly

14 base

15 base “Despise that which is base, but love that which is helpful,” said his mother.

16 I am not so base as to have an affair with your best friend.

17 base He would not compromise himself by giving in to base impulses such as stealing.

18 base What is the best definition of the word base: Low, mean
Kind; sensitive Intelligent Excited

19 base adj; low; mean

20 deference

21 deference He shows deference to the priest at church by kneeling when he walks into the holy place.

22 deference Firefighters deserve to be treated with deference for their loyal service.

23 Karen shows deference to her adults by calling them sir and ma’am.

24 deference What is the best definition of the word deference:
A. Courteous regard or respect B. Rude; disrespectful C. Quietness D. Loyalty

25 Noun; courteous regard or respect
deference Noun; courteous regard or respect

26 theology

27 theology Mr. Proctor, your house is not a church; your theology must tell you that.

28 You don’t have to study theology to be a believer.

29 theology I am taking a class on theology at my college so that I can learn about many faiths.

30 theology What is the best definition of the word theology:
A. The study of life B. The study of religion C. The study of the origin of man D. The study of witchcraft

31 Noun; the study of religion
theology Noun; the study of religion

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