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Precipitation Virtual Constellation

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1 Precipitation Virtual Constellation
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites Precipitation Virtual Constellation Gail Skofronick-Jackson (NASA) and Riko Oki (JAXA) CEOS SIT-34 Oceans and Water Cycle 6.10 Miami, FL, USA 3 – 4 April 2019

2 Background, Purpose, Changes, VC and WG Synergies
Background: The CEOS Precipitation Virtual Constellation was established in 2007 with the participation of seven CEOS members as one of the four prototype CEOS Constellations. Purpose: Its primary role is to establish an international framework to guide, facilitate, and coordinate the continued advancement of multi-satellite global precipitation measurement. Leadership Changes: Gail Skofronick-Jackson/NASA became co- lead, replacing Steve Neeck/NASA. VC and WG synergies: Precipitation is a key Earth system component and is cross-cutting to several VCs and WGs including: Atmospheric Composition-VC; Disasters WG; Agriculture WG; and Freshwater activities. Currently there are no formal relationships with these CEOS teams. Barriers to these relationships include time, resources, and determining priorities among these VCs and WGs. Focus on activities, outcomes and lessons learned since SIT-33, reflecting 2018 SIT TW discussion For clarity on the team contribution to the global observing architecture and national planning purposes, please summarize major past achievements and planned future outputs in terms of: Specific datasets, products, or standards ECVs Architecture studies Gap analyses / advocacy Comment on the availability of these to contribute to future coordination efforts by CEOS or Agency mission planning activities Identify items that can be followed-up in the six months

3 Team Achievements and Planned Outputs
P-VC CEOS Work Plan Status CEOS Work Plan Item Est. Date Background Information Status/Only newly updated listed VC-17: Support to ECV precipitation parameters Q4 2018 Precipitation ECV support: Provide the CEOS Response to GCOS Action A-8; ensure continuity of satellite precipitation products through five deliverables. 2018-1: Reprocessing complete except for combined TRMM products. Completion expected end of October Delayed until Summer 2019 2018-3: Complete Experimental production demonstrated. Operational production planned in Q4. 2018-5: Complete MetOp-C in launch campaign scheduled for November 6 launch. VC-18: Programs for improvement of global precipitation products Precipitation products (with respect to algorithm development, outputs, and user requirements) and applications using multi-satellite and multi-agency data through coordination between Precipitation Virtual Constellation (P-VC) partners. 2018-3: L1 Complete. L1B and L1R data products released to public via the JAXA G-Portal. L2 data products planned for release by November. 2018-4: Complete. JAXA continued work to expand the GSMaP NOW NRT region, including securing Meteosat NRT data access.

4 Team Achievements and Planned Outputs Background Information
P-VC CEOS Work Plan Status – New Additions CEOS Work Plan Item Est. Date Background Information Status VC-44: Definition of an improved Precipitation CDR Q4 2019 Provide the CEOS Response to ECV Inventory Gap Analysis Recommendation #14. 2019-1: Update precipitation ECV inventory (Q2); . 2019-2: study the situation on precipitation climate data records based on the findings of the WGClimate gap analysis report (Q3), 2019-3: to identify ways forward to stimulate the production of an improved precipitation CDR (Q4) 2019-4: Engage with the CGMS-IPWG and WMO SCOPE-CM communities for best practices and current activities for the establishment of international collaborations for developing and producing such a CDR (Q3).

5 Plenary Action CEOS-32-12 Sustainable Commitment
Identify the active agencies in your team and whether this implies a viable team for your objectives NASA, JAXA, NOAA, EUMETSAT, CNES, ISRO, INPE How frequently does your team physically meet? The team met physically once a year in the past. Are their any obstacles to the future viability of your team meeting its objectives? The viability of future satellite precipitation measurements is critically reliant upon maintaining the current suite of satellites/sensors and the timely provision of new precipitation-capable missions. Proposal for document approach to VC leadership that includes leadership rotation cycle See next slide

6 Virtual Constellation – Plenary Action
Co-Leads Steve Neeck/NASA and Riko Oki/JAXA were the original co- leads from Gail Skofronick-Jackson/NASA replaced Steve Neeck in 2019. Discussions are underway to include a third co-lead from EUMETSAT Our leads had a brief discussion on leadership rotation, thoughts include: Co-leads from precipitation satellite agencies Extended terms (in line with satellite mission lifetimes) Documented approach to be determined

7 Thanks! See you in Miami! Questions?

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