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The Renaissance in Review

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Presentation on theme: "The Renaissance in Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Renaissance in Review
A Quick Review

2 What? A “re-birth” A period of intense change in the arts and sciences
New faith in human effort and achievement

3 When?

4 Where? Starts in Italy Spreads throughout the rest of Europe
Germany, France, England

5 Government Italian City-States Democracy vs. Oligarchy
Rule by the people for the people Rule by a few powerful people

6 Humanism Concerned with goals of human beings
Use of reason to find the truth

7 Art Realism Famous artists Gentileschi Proportion and Perspective
Da Vinci Michelangelo Gentileschi

8 Technology and Science
Printing Press (Gutenberg) Law of Gravity (Newton) Telescope (Galileo) Sun-Centred Solar System (Copernicus)

9 Things to Know for Quiz #2
Art Realism The 2 P’s Frescos Patron Michelangelo Leonardo Gentileschi

10 Things to Know for Quiz #2
Science & Invention Humanism Newton Copernicus Galileo Gutenburg

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