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Bell Work In your notebook, create a quick timeline of your life.

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1 Bell Work In your notebook, create a quick timeline of your life.
Include at least 5 major events.  If you finish early, add illustrations for each event.  Think-Pair-Share: Choose two events and explain to a partner who or what played a major role in that event.  Bell Work 

2 Germany and the Alpine Countries
Chapter 6 Section 4 

3 WALT: Describe how Germany's central location helped it to dominate neighboring lands.  WASI: Explain how Germany was divided after WWII and then reunified. 

4 Germany was a collection of small states until Prussia unified the German states into one nation in   After its frustrating defeat in WWI, many Germans began to support the fascist Nazi Party. Adolf Hitler, the party's leader, became head of state in 1933.  History  Nazis are responsible for the Holocaust, the systematic murder of millions of Jews and other ethnic minorities.  Fascism- political philosophy that promotes loyalty to the state and a strong central government controlled by a powerful dictator. 

5 The Allies (United States, France, and Britain) defeated Germany, dividing Germany into four zones. The Allies combined their zones to create the democratic West Germany while the Soviet Union's zone became communist East Germany.  History  Do you think life in East Germany was the same as life in West Germany? 

6 In 1961 the government of East Germany built the Berlin Wall to divide the city in two.
The Berlin Wall was 27 miles long, 160 feet wide, and lined by hundreds of watchtowers, miles of anti-vehicle trenches, guard dog runs, floodlights and trip-wire machine guns. The Berlin Wall  divided the city into communist East Berlin and democratic West Berlin.  What do you notice about the wall in the image? Which side do you think represents East Germany? West Germany? 

7 Removal of the Berlin Wall
East Germany's government fell in 1989 and the Berlin Wall came down.  Germany decided to reunify in 1990 ending the east-west division.  html Removal of the Berlin Wall  What do you notice from the video? 

8 Berlin became the capital of the newly reunified East and West Germany in 1990. 
Lawmakers and government officials began meeting in the newly renovated Reichstag building in 1999. Notice the modern design and observation platform above the chamber. What could this symbolize about Germany and its government?  The Reichstag This could symbolize a more modern government reflecting the changes after the reunification of Germany. 

9 Government and Economics
Germany is a federal republic- a union of states similar to the United States.  The chancellor leads the government while the president mainly performs ceremonial duties.  The president is elected by the people while the parliament selects the chancellor.  Angela Merkel became Germany's first female chancellor in 2005.  Government and Economics 

10 Instructions for Visual Timeline
Goal: Create a visual representation to explain major events that shaped Germany from   Use your book as a resource to sequence the events below on your group's timeline. Include an illustration for each event.  Angela Merkel becomes first female chancellor of Germany.  Prussia unified German states into one nation.  Hitler becomes head of state and begins quest to gain new territory.  East German government builds Berlin Wall.  Germany decides to reunify, ending the east-west division.  Berlin Wall comes down.  Instructions for Visual Timeline 

11 The Alpine Countries  Austria, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein 

12 Adopted a policy of neutrality after WWII meaning Austria does not engage in military conflicts. 
Language: German  Religion: Largely Roman Catholic Industry: iron and steel production, tourism  gliding in the Alps)  Austria 

13 Switzerland and Liechtenstein
Both countries are neutral and independent.  Official languages of Switzerland are German, French, and Italian while the official language of Liechtenstein is German.  Switzerland is famous for high quality chocolate and watches while Liechtenstein is known for its postage stamps.  Switzerland and Liechtenstein 

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