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O.E. = Capital – Drawings + Revenue - Expenses

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Presentation on theme: "O.E. = Capital – Drawings + Revenue - Expenses"— Presentation transcript:

1 O.E. = Capital – Drawings + Revenue - Expenses
Closing Entries A Step-by-Step Guide by Mr. Meechem We must close accounts to update capital balance and reset temporary accounts for next fiscal period. O.E. = Capital – Drawings + Revenue - Expenses

2 Real Accounts Have balances that continue into the next fiscal period
Ex. Bank, Accounts Receivable, Truck, Supplies, Loan Payable etc

3 Nominal/Temporary Accounts
Have balances that do not continue into the next fiscal period Revenues Expenses Drawings

4 Income Summary In order to do closing entries and update our capital balance, we create a new temporary account called Income Summary just for the closing process.

5 Steps for Closing Close Revenue Accounts to Income Summary.
Close Expense Accounts to Income Summary Close Income Summary to Capital Close Drawings to Capital

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