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You will have 20 Seconds to answer each question.

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1 You will have 20 Seconds to answer each question.
Daily Unit Quiz You will have 20 Seconds to answer each question.

2 1. What is the slope of the line?

3 2. Is the following table Linear?
Cost of Movie Tickets ($) Tickets (t) 1 2 3 4 Cost (c) 6 12 18 24

4 3. What is the initial value for the function?
Money Saved ($) Months (m) 3 4 5 6 Saved (s) 110 130 150 170

5 4. Does the graph show a linear relationship?

6 5. What is the y-intercept for the table?
Savings Account ($) Months (m) 5 7 9 11 Savings (s) 105 125 145 165

7 6. If Jamal is paid $216 for 3 hours of work, how much does he make per hour?

8 7. What is the equation of the line?

9 8. Which statement could represent a Linear Function?
The Volume of a Cube? A store sells candy for .75 cents each. The Area of a Square? None of these represents a Linear Function?

10 9. Find the slope of the line represented in the table?
Linear Line x -3 1 5 9 y 12 7 2

11 10. Find the slope of the line that passes through the following points?

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