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Presentation on theme: "SUPERMARKET PERSUASION"— Presentation transcript:


2 KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE WITH WHOM ARE YOU ARGUING? Knowing that helps you decide how to approach them. Depending on who you are approaching will determine how you approach. Do you come at little siblings the same way you would come at mom? I bet you even approach mom or dad or teachers in different ways for different requests. The cereal aisle at the supermarket is set up depending on who the audience is. On the next slide are questions you will try to answer.

3 Where are the kid cereals located and why?
Where are the adult cereals located and why? What are some of the icons, pictures, colors, etc. you might find on a cereal that is for kids? What might you find on a box of adult cereal?

4 The cereals geared towards adults are found on the higher shelves, because adults are taller.
Note that the kid cereals are located at kid height and are placed on the lower shelves. That is done so the “audience” will see them.

5 Let’s study some persuasive cereal boxes

6 What form of persuasion is being used?
Who is the audience for this box? Would this box be found on a high, middle or low shelf?

7 What form of persuasion is being used?
Who is the audience for this box? Would this box be found on a high, middle or low shelf?

8 On the next slide we will look at a different boxes advertising the cereal made by a company called Kashi. Look at the different boxes and decide who Kashi had in mind as the audience.


10 The next task will be for you to make a CEREAL BOX with a target audience in mind. Be sure to use all of the 7 forms of persuasion that we have studied.


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