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Soil Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Soil Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soil Vocabulary

2 Soil Complex plant supporting system made up of disintegrated rock, remains and wastes of organisms, water, gases, nutrients and microorganisms.

3 Parent Material Base geological material in a particular location

4 Bedrock Continuous mass of solid rock that makes up Earth’s crust

5 Soil Horizon Layers of soil

6 Soil Profile A cross section of all the soil horizons in a specific soil, from the surface to bedrock

7 Loam Soil with a relatively even mixture of sand, silt and clay

8 Tilling Turning over of soil before planting

9 Overgrazing Occurs when too many animals eat too much of the plant cover, impeding re-growth

10 Irrigation Providing water other than precipitation to crops

11 Pesticides Chemicals that kill organisms that attack or compete with plants

12 Agriculture Vocabulary

13 Yield The amount of crop that grows in a given area.

14 Biological Pest Control
Using living things that control pests by eating or infecting them

15 Green Revolution A new system A movement in which agricultural scientists developed nations introduced new technology, crop varieties, and farming practices of the developing world.

16 Arable Land Land suitable for farming

17 GMO Genetically Modified Organisms; An organism that has undergone genetic engineering

18 Integrated Pest Management
Using a combination of techniques such as biological pest control, habitat alteration, crop rotation, mechanical pest removal, and chemical pesticides to control pests

19 Genetic Engineering Any process in which scientists directly manipulate an organism’s DNA

20 Food Security The guarantee of an adequate and reliable food supply for all people at all times

21 Malnutrition A shortage of nutrients the body needs

22 Pollinators An animal that feeds on flower nectar, collects pollen on its body, and takes it to the next flower

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